"Woah," Roman said. "That's crazy. I'm sorry, Baby. Are you alright?"

"...Yeah... I'm not really sure how to feel," Virgil admitted.

"Aww," Roman kissed Virgil. "It's okay. Talk to me."

Virgil leaned onto Roman. "I never really liked them and they weren't the nicest people, but they were my parents."

"Yeah. My parents haven't been around in years. Me and my brother basically raised ourselves," Roman said. It was true. Their parents were never around and years back they ran off and never came back. Roman and his brother Remus kept each other alive. Remus was actually the one he called the other week before for assistance.

"I guess we aren't super different when it comes to family."

"Yeah," Roman said. "You know I love you, right?"

"I love you, too."

Roman kissed Virgil.


Roman turned off the alarm. He admired Virgil for a second before shaking his shoulder a little, "Virgey, wake up," he sang-songed.

Virgil wined a little, hiding his face in his pillow. "Nuuuuu."

"I wish we didn't have to get up, but we have school," Roman said, sitting up.

"How about you get ready and pick me an outfit while I sleep more," Virgil mumbled tiredly.

"Are you sure you want me to pick your outfit?" Roman smirked.

"If I can get more sleep, then yes."

"Okay. You've got about 15 minutes."

"Night, night."

Roman chuckled a little.


Roman and Virgil were walking from one class to the next.

"Oh, look it's the loser emo and the prep," a bully, Lucas said. His girlfriend, Madeline, was standing next to him, along with Valentina and Dean.

Virgil moved behind Roman. "Leave us alone," Roman basically growled. He knew that Virgil and these kids had a bad history. The four bully Virgil and have been for a while.

"Oh, the prep's angry," Dean said teasingly. "And I think the emo's going to cry." All four of them laughed.

Roman grabbed Virgil's wrist and pulled him along to class. He didn't realize how tight his grip was until they got to their seats. "Sorry," he said, letting go. He gently held Virgil's wrist and looked at the red hand-shaped mark. "I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, Ro. I know you didn't mean to hurt me. You were just getting us out of there," Virgil interrupted.

"I would never purposefully hurt you," Roman said, putting his hand on the side of Virgil's face.

"I know," Virgil smiled.

"Aww! You Kiddos are adorable!" Patton said breaking up the moment.

"Oh, hey, Patton," both Roman and Virgil said.


Roman and Virgil pulled up to Virgil's apartment. "I'll see you later, Virgil. I have some things I have to do with my brother, then I'll be back and we can do whatever," Roman said.

"Alright," Virgil said, he kissed Roman on the cheek. "I'll see you later." He opened the car door and got out.

Roman smiled at the smaller. "I love you."

"I love you." With that, Virgil closed the door and left.

Roman started driving again to meet up with Remus to discuss the problem of some kids at their school. 'No one will hurt you, no one. I'll keep you safe. I'll keep you happy.' Roman tightened his grip on the steering wheel. 'Happy... Safe... You... Virgil... Precious Virgil... My precious Virgil... My precious... My... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine...'


Roman slid the knife out of Lucas. Lucas's body fell to the ground, landing next to the bodies of the three other bullies and the body of a kid Remus wanted to kill. Blood dripped from the knife falling into the puddle of blood that was already on the ground.

Roman stepped back. "I liked these shoes," he muttered looking down at his shoes that were partly covered in blood.

"That was fun," Remus smiled at his brother, wiping blood off his travel-sized morning star (mace).

"Thank you for the help, Remus," Roman said. "Do you mind dealing with the bodies? I told Virgil I would be coming back to his apartment, and I have to stop at home to get new shoes and I don't want to get there too late."

"Sure, brother. Have fun with your boy toy," Remus said.

Roman rolled his eyes a little. "See you tomorrow."


Roman knocked on Virgil's apartment door. After a few minutes, the door cracked open a little, then closed, then opened all the way. "Hi, my Prince," Virgil greeted, letting Roman in.

"Hello, my Princess," Roman said. He kissed Virgil's forehead.

"I'm tired... Can we- can we cuddle?" Virgil asked shyly.

"Of course," Roman said. "I would love to cuddle."

The two went to Virgil's room and cuddled. Virgil soon fell asleep. Roman admired him. 'Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine... Mine...' 

(1245 words.) 

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