Chapter 12: Exterminating the Virus

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Uh, enjoy I guess
this chapter was started a long time ago and i have come back to finish it.

Kurama POV

Kurama whirled around, arching his back instinctively and snarling in alarm. Fuck, he hadn't actually expected the slimy bastard to come out.

Standing in the entry-way Kurama had used was Obito, or Virus-Obito, with his orange swirly mask and black cloak, red clouds maroon and purple in the multi-colored light. His posture looked relaxed, no stances or defensive positions and Kurama wanted to rip him apart.

Kurama didn't waste any moments and lunged forward, slashing outward with a clawed hand and pushing his chakra to his fingers, feeling power and hate surge up in flares of red in his palms. He'd need to divert his anger for this fight. Obito was a bastard, but he was also a bastard with dirty tricks. For instance that damned Kamui of his.

Alright, maybe Kamui wouldn't be as much of a problem in a place that didn't physically exist, so the jerk wad wouldn't be able to woosh out like he usually would, but Obito has been squatting in Yagura's head for long while. He's got a firmer grasp on this place than Yagura himself probably does at the moment. So... he should probably be careful. Baby-men tend to be delicate.

The fiery chakra thrashed for a moment, and then elongated, solidifying, into an extended version of his hand, but it was talons, fur; still his hand, but not humanized. He aimed for Obito's head, knowing it would pass through, and it slashed through his image, harmless. Kurama let the kunai in Obito's hand approach his stomach, cut through his jacket, and then he slammed his elbow down on Obito's wrist.

With fast reflexes, before Obito could become intangible again, Kurama latched onto his arm and pushed his chakra out, letting it spread and take to Obito like a parasite, cus, well, that's what this was. The chakra was eating out the drumming hatred and self-destructive grief in Obito's energy. Kurama watched in satisfaction as burning crimson spread like a disease over Obito's sleeve and crawled up his arm, swirling with vermilion and violet and green.

Obito let out a surprised gurgle as the sludge-like chakra closed around his neck in the same second. It started down his chest and was pouring down his other arm. Kurama guessed it felt something similar to lead, or being rapidly encased in wet cement. Soon enough it would dry and become a firm prison, and then it could dissolve Obito completely once it was finished.

What? Kurama didn't want some long and drawn out battle. Like he said, he didn't want to risk breaking Yagura's mind while trying to flipping save him from the guy who was trapping him in it. Fighting in someone else's head was delicate and tricky work, no need to make it even harder.

Besides, Kurama didn't like leaving Naruto's body out in the open for so long. Well, maybe it hasn't been as long as it has been feeling to him- he's not really sure, time between the physical world and a subconsciously controlled manifestation of desires and fears, like, for instance, someone's mind is hard to decipher when you get stuck in one of those two for too long -but still, he's technically vulnerable by being in here.

Kurama doesn't think about the fact that this plan was slightly shallow. He'd planned no backups or anything to fall back on if this failed. He's only been running on adrenaline, really. Eagerness, desperation possibly, to make it up to Naruto? Kurama doesn't think about it. He doesn't think about how quickly he'd grabbed at this idea.

How quickly he'd left. How quickly he ran, ran to prove himself, ran to prove Naruto's sacrifice wasn't in vain.

Kurama tightened his grip, digging in. He watched as thick red settled, sizzling and hot to the touch, on Obito's body, no doubt already starting to burn away at the chakra. Kurama looked to Obito's mask, glaring into the little dark hole, trying to catch a glimpse of that spinning eye. All he could see was blank shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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