Chapter 11: Delving into the Mind

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Kurama POV

Kurama grinned viciously, lips drawn back and teeth glinting.

In front of him was Yagura, chained and downed, curses streaming out of his mouth.

Around them were either dead or injured shinobi, the stench of blood and agony strong.

Sitting off to the side were several taijutsu and fūinjutsu masters clinging to some object of support and gasping for air.

Watching from their places next to conscious-but-all-the-same-incapableof-defending-themselves-ninja were Mangetsu and Mei, who were both wounded as well, the former bleeding from the head and with a broken wrist, the other with a burned tongue (at least that's what Kurama's assuming) and chakra exhuastion.

Among the unconscious shinobi were Ao and Chōjūrō, both with various damages from broken bones to simple fatigue.

Kurama himself remained mostly unharmed, aside from the steaming slashes on his arms or the fading bruises on his back, he had the best mobility of all the present there, besides Yagura, whose own injuries were already disappearing from sight.

Despite the struggles of the ninja there, Yagura still continued to thrash and pull against his restraints, not at all minding how the tight chains bit into his bare skin when he tugged on them, and instead focused on broadcasting his displeasure of the current situation to everyone within range.

Kurama could feel the different bodies of chakra churning under Yagura's skin: Obito's, Isobu's, Yagura's, all them steadily pulsing, with Obito's being the most active out of the three. It was fascinating how Obito was able to play with Yagura's chakra like it was his own and release it just as easily. He utilized it in such a way that it was reminiscent of pheremones, probably intended to add undertone to the bite of Yagura's words and blend the fabricated demeanor into something convincible and worthy of a conniving Uchiha like Madara and Madara #2. It was smart as well, not to use his own chakra but instead the host's own, and make it all the more harder to discern any foreign chakra in Yagura's body.

But ー Kurama was Kurama. The Nine-Tailed Fox of Konoha, strongest of the Biju, and the one abled with senses that could taste lies. He could see through every deception, he could catch the slightest falter in someone's voice and feel the honesty in a person's gaze, he could see through everything.

And every movement Yagura made was false. It screamed wrong and untrue, even though Kurama didn't actually know Yagura, he knew that this wasn't it. Kurama was so hyperaware of this fact that he almost wanted to rake his ears off. Of the fact that this wasn't actually a Yagura who deserved to die and be named the tyrant who ran Kirigakure, but instead that this was a Yagura who wasn't even aware of what he was doing, who wasn't aware of the crimes committed, crimes tied to his name, his face, who wasn't choosing  to do these things, that this was Yagura being used to perform acts against his will and on the whim of someone else.

It was the fact that this was Obito wearing Yagura, that made Kurama's teeth grind and veins throb, the mere memory of his own experiences with being controlled churn and sit deep in his stomach until it almost weighed him down.

It was this fact that wiped the grin off of Kurama's face and made him focus, ire sparking and lighting his fingers with blazing red, and then grab Yagura's face, palm hissing against Yagura's forehead, jerking a whimpering grunt out of the Karatachi's mouth as the scalding chakra sizzled into his skin and burned a mark on his face.

And before Kurama knew it, he was slumping forward, darkness pressing on the edges of his vision.


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