Just a flight away

Start from the beginning

"Ah your giving me my hand back doll?" James looked down at Lilly with a smile plastered across his face. He saw how red Lilly had turned that he said something to her.

"I don't mind doll it's fine" Grabbing her hand again looking down at her blushing.

The two walked to a black suv holding hands. James opened the door for Lilly helping her in. They both sat in the back as the driver took them to there location. James had told the driver where to go but Lilly didn't understand them as they were speaking french. They pulled up to a sleek building it was so tall Lilly assumed it was apartments.

James thanked the driver and helped Lilly out of the car. Making there way into the building James had his huge hand on her small back. He notices how a shiver went up her spine when he did this.

They approached the door and James unlocked it. Pushing the heavy door open he took Lilly's hand and they entered. There was a long room with an elevator at the end. Lilly noticed that the elevator only had one floor and it was at the top of the building. James pressed it and they started to go up. Lilly could see the whole city from the elevator she was completely mesmerised. James saw the twinkle in her eyes as she looked over the city.

"So you like own this place because it's amazing" they walked in it looked like the interior of a house with a living room, kitchen and a dining room. There was a stairs that led up to a master bedroom with an en suite. What caught her eye was a balcony with a table in it overlooking the city. She walked over to the doors just looking out in absolute awe.

"You can go out there if you'd like" James was behind the kitchen counter looking across the room at Lilly.

"Wait here I'll help" James walked around the counter to open the door for her. They both walked out on to the balcony. James sat down at one of the seats while Lilly put her hands in the railing and just took everything in. Taking in deep breaths of the cool city air.

"Lillian? You ok?" James was concerned that she wasn't saying anything or barely even moving.

"Uh yeah I'm fine. I'm just having a moment." She turned her head to look at him while giving him a little smile.

James got up from his seat to stand beside her. He knew that the view was amazing but he never truly looked at it until he saw what toll it had on Lilly in that moment. How the city came to life at night just like New York did.

"James it's beautiful. I don't know how you ever leave this place" Lilly was gazing at him watching James just looking at everything in front of them. He looked down at her to meet her eyes with his.

"I've been tempted to stay here before if I'm being honest but Steve would beat my ass. Well he'd definitely try but I'd win" they both laughed to themselves at the thought of Steve trying to beat up James and failing miserably. There moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. James' assistant was stood at the door with a box of food packages. James went over to retrieve them and his assistant left again.

"You ready to eat doll" James asked moving back inside as Lilly followed.

"Uh yeah sure"

James placed the boxes on the kitchen counter opening them to see loads of traditional french dishes.

They picked food they wanted onto their plate and sat by the balcony looking out over the city as they ate and talked.

When they were done James gave Lilly a proper tour of his apartment. The living room was wide with a huge couch and flat screen tv. It was one of the biggest TVs she had ever seen. There was a fish tank to the side of the room.

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