Chase joins the army (one shot)

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Trigger Warning: War

Just you guys know this is a AU (alternate universe) They are still pups but this is the alternate universe where Iraq starts A Second war against the United States attacking Syria and covid does not happen


Narrator: It is a beautiful day in adventure bay California. It is October 30th 2016.

Chase is the happy go lucky German Shepherd. He has his girlfriend Skye but he has wanted to join the army for a while but does not want to leave his friends or girlfriend But decides he will because he wants to help the United States fight the Iraqi insurgents because they tried to invade Syria but got repelled by the Syrian army and NATO forces and now the United States Army and marines are going back to Iraq to stop the Iraqis from Causing more trouble.

Chase: hey uh ryder. Can I talk to you?

Ryder: Sure chase What is the issue.

Chase: I know this sounds weird but.. I applied to join the army. I want to help stop Iraq from causing trouble. I want to help our country.

Ryder: Chase... what if you get hurt... or worse.

Chase:Look Ryder I know you're worried but Remember that I am a police officer. I have been in stressful Situations. i can handle it.

Ryder: Yo know what.. I trust in you. I will let you go join the army. I love you chase.

Chase: I love you too ryder. (Hugs him)

Narrator: Ryder goes to tell the pups About Chase's choice.

Ryder: Can you come here for sec pups. I have to tell you something.

Skye: what is it Ryder What is the matter.

Ryder: pups.. I know this is really hard to say but listen to me.. Chase was talking to me About what was happening in Iraq and... Chase is going to join the army.

Skye: WHAT! No, you're going to be killed. Please don't go. I love you too.

Chase: Skye look I know you're probably worried but I will be Fine. Plus remember that It's for our country.

Skye: OK.but I'm gonna miss you.

Chase: I'll miss you too Skye.

Nattaror: A few days later Chase is ready to go and is sent to Fort Benning near Columbus Georgia and is able to start and finish his tough 9 week training and passes well and is shipped off to Iraq.

(January 8th 2017. 1 week into Iraq and he is doing really well and is put in the 7th Infantry Regiment and is well liked by everyone because of how popular chase is)

Sergeant John: ok everyone gather around We have an issue.

Chase: sgt John. What seems to be the issue.

Sergeant John: There are 25 armed Iraqi insurgents trying to take over the city of Haditha. We have been called along with the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines to go there to stop them. We are going to come in from Baghdad And the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines will enter from Hadithah dam lake and from the north and kill any soldiers who do not surrender. Any questions because it's not let's go.

Everyone: SIR YES SIR!

Narrator: everything is set in place and they're able to go to Haditha but things will happen.

Chase: Let's move! 7th Infantry Regiment.

Iraqi soldier: إنهم الأمريكيون. اقتلهم قبل أن يطلقوا النار عليك! (it's the americans. Kill them before they shoot you!)

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