Love and drugs

442 7 3

Trigger Warning: Drug abuse

(Over a year ago on March 1st 2019 they paw patrol disbanded after Ryder died after He flipped his ATV into a ditch. Everyone is living in different places.Marshall has Everest and lives in Boston and work at Massachusetts General Hospital. Rocky has zuma and lives in New York City, Rubble lives in Chicago with sweetie. Chase had Skye for 10 months But they broke up Because of a fight, but somethings going to happen that will change their lives forever. Let's find out what will happen.)

Narrator: December 1st 2020

Chase: I still can't believe I broke up in the skye 2 months ago. I had to go because she's hooked on drugs. I don't get why she had to do drugs. I hope she's OK.

Narrator: The next day December 2nd

Skye: I can't believe chase hates me. I try to not do drugs but I can't. I wish I could stop so I can see chase again.

Narrator: 2 minutes later

Dealer: so you want the stuff eh. That will be $15

Skye: ok.

Narrator: Skye gives him the $15 and goes to A hidden area in the Boston common.

(30 minutes later)

Chase: I love working as a police officer in Boston. I just need to focus on work and just forget about Skye.

Narrator: three minutes later at the Boston commons

Person: help officer.

Chase: What's wrong! What is the problem?

Person: there is someone Collapsed In the Parkman Bandstand.

Chase: OK I will check it out. Thanks for telling me.

Chase to dispatch: Alpha 220 to dispatchI just got a flagged down for a possible collapsed in the Boston Commons. I'm gonna need EMS at the Parkman.

Dispatch: 10-4 EMS Are being sent.

(Chase drives to the Parkman Bandstand and sees Skye collapsed near the stairs)

Chase: OMG Skye.

(Chase runs over and checks her an knows she's been doing heroin)

Chase: alpha 220 to dispatch We have a possible heroin overdose. I'm going to give Narcan

(Chase gives Intranasal Narcan)

Skye: Ow body hurts. Chase What happened and What are you doing here.

Chase: You collapsed in the park. Someone waved me down and said someone collapsed. I Was able to tell you overdosed on opioids and I have narcan. The thing now is that you're ok.

Ems: we're here.

Chase: He's fine now but she overdosed on heroin so I gave narcan. We need to get her to MGH though. Also tell the doctors That it was me chase who found him,

Ems: ok then.

(at the hospital)

Marshall: Skye! What happened.

Ems: One of the officers named Chase Found her collapsed in the commons. Apparently she overdosed on heroin But he was able to give Narcan and get her back.

Marshall; OK I was get her to the recovery center. Thanks

Ems: no problem.

(Later that month Skye is released on the 23rd and moves in with chase)

Narrator: Christmas Day 2020

Skye: At last it's Christmas. . Also thank you for saving me

Chase: no problem Skye. I love you.

Skye: I love you too chase.



Hello guys and I'm sorry for the short one shot but I didn't know what to write. Anyways I thought of this one shot because of one of the songs in my song book called Master of puppets. It is by Metallica and it is about drugs. I also want to give a shout out to kingofrar Because he's quitting wattpad. He has really good books and we will miss him dearly. Anyways it was good to see you and I will see you next time.


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