Taken From Me || Chapter 6

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Tommy still had a lot of recovering to do, so most days he stayed in bed. Other days he'd sit up 2 or more times, but that was it. Until the time L'Manberg got blown up for the 3rd time...

Tommy saw that Techno was hurrying and asked "What's happening?" Techno glanced at Tommy "can you get up?" Tommy stood up, his back hurt for multiple reasons, but he responded yes anyways, techno replied "We have to go bl-" Philza interrupted quickly "It's a surprise" Techno continued "yeah, a surprise" Tommy started walking "ok then, lets go"

They all walked towards L'Manberg, once there Tommy asked a question "why are we here?" Techno started walking to the stairs that lead to the obsidian boxes "just go to L'Manberg" Little did Tommy know when he was laying down and doing nothing, Techno had already said he would be blowing up L'Manberg. So where is everyone? Tommy asked in his head. Well Tommy look over there, their all looking above you! Oh above you.

Tommy followed everyone's looks and looked up, a piece of tnt landed on his face, causing him to fall on his face, then 2 more tnt landed on his back getting rid of the other wing with it. Tommy couldn't hear anything, just ringing, Tommy also couldn't see any- oh is that a light? The ringing died down  Tommy opened his eyes and saw a house? Nicely build one at that, he also saw Tubbo "T-Tubbo?" Tubbo looked over at Tommy "How long has it been, and where am I?" Tubbo started crying "I'm so sorry I should have saved you, I could of-" Ranboo was now here "There was nothing you could do, you were to far away"

I tried to get their attention, but it never worked. I walked over to a mirror, I didn't have his wings, more importantly I was transparent. It was taken, my life, my wings it was...

Taken From Me

(Wooo I know this ones ending was worse then the 1000 word one, but I really didn't wanna do that again. REMEMBER stay around for the epilogue!)

TommyInnit With Wings || Two Story Book!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat