I Have Wings?!?! || Chapter 5

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(Yay I'm back!)

Phil did in fact rethink his decision, he noticed how much he neglected Tommy. So he'd apologize, right? Nope, not to him at least.

Phil did the little things like, remembering him at dinner, not forgetting him at stores, getting him more toys, but this was not enough.

Wilbur wanted Phil to apologize to him directly. To Wilbur, Phil was doing nothing. Tommy should already have these things. Wilbur made a plan.

Techno really could care less, he honestly did not care. Even though he was slightly worried every time Tommy got less food. His worry's disappeared after that problem was gone.

Tommy just wanted to show his family his cool wings. He didn't even notice Phil kept on forgetting him.

The next 2 years were as stale as ever.
Or were they? For one, these 2 years were very important. They were full of planning, planning on how to run away. With a noisy child. Tommy is now 10 . . .

"Ok Tommy, remember the plan?" Tommy looked over at Wilbur "yea, but why are we running?" Wilbur looked down "It would be better for both of us" Tommy walked towards the door "oki then let's go"

It really wasn't hard for the 2 to escape . . .

"Hey we are going out to play!" Wilbur shouted to Phil "ok!" He shouted back. Little did he know that that was the last time he'd see them for a long time.

"Ok Tommy hold my hand" Tommy held Wilburs hand "Alright here we go!" Wilbur ran very fast to somewhere, I'm sure we all know where, but the adventures they come across on the way there are saved for the next chapter!

(Sorry for the short chapter!)

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