Oh my god! Where Am I? I didn't drink last night either?! I tried to calm myself moving around a house looking like a condo.
"Hello? Anyone here?? Hello?"Weird. Did the owner go outside? Just as I was about to open the door to go out, Somewhere, An alarm started ringing. I went along the sound, only to find a phone ringing and not an alarm.
"Caller P'Jane"
Wonder who this P'Jane is. Whose phone is this?!
I bent to pick up the phone where I saw my portrait, with a strange man who had a lot of similar features to mine, Shock taking over my senses, I didn't pick up the phone as i went to voice mails. This- Who is this... I hesitantly picked up the photo frame. This man looks so similar. I just should probably search for more photos. I went out of the bed room to something looking like a living room. So much stuff here, I noticed quietly. I turned my face only to see a lot of photo frames arranged in a diamond shape near a camera showcase.

Apparently the owner is a photographer who looks like me eh?! I was getting more and more confused. There were pictures with some youngsters- probably friends, with an old lady and with the strange man , who portrait i saw before. I stopped myself as I saw one picture, I recognize this man. He-He is the senior. I met him when I went to give the entrance for Rangsit. His name-uh, I don't remember. I was engrossed more in looking and appreciating the photography as the phone started ringing again..

"Ring.. Ring.."

"Caller Id Kit Kit <3"

I should probably ask this person about this look-a-like of mine. I picked it up hearing a meowing sound in the background.

"Good morning, Singtuan! Ready for today?! I am super excited, after many small ads we are gonna work on a project together. Yay!"

This person sounds familiar. I couldn't place a finger on it.

"Uh, Khun? Who is this?" I asked surprising myself with my husky voice.

"Oh, come on P' , you cant do this to me or-else I would sulk. I know I didnt called you last night because I was tired na. Don't be a baby on this special day!"

"Khun, I am sorry. But I am not-uh-Singtuan. I am Kongpob Suttiluck. May I know who is this?" I tried asking politely.

"Haha, Good one phi! Are you gonna go back into the role of Kongpob? I know sotus is special for both of us! But this is not fair! Okay amuse me, Swadee Khun Kongpob. Pom Arthit. Kongpob , 0062! I order you to not to mess around haha!!"

Is he a hazer? His voice is giving me shivers and turning my brain off. Wait, What role? Whats 0062? Oh! That was my Id number. How did this person know? I was lost in my musings, as this person-Arthit-started speaking again..

"Ja~~ Tuan!Get ready for shooting! P'Jane told me you didn't pick up his phone. He was going to march in your bedroom to wake you up. So chop chop Singtuan! Get up! I cant wait for the shoot to start"

The caller hung up. As I was thinking what to do next... I saw myself in a mirror. I am no longer the lanky young guy getting ready for college. I somehow seem more older and mature. My hairstyle was different. Okay whats happening?!
Just then, I heard a door Knock! I think the original owner came back. Time for some answers! I rushed towards the door, opening it revealing an extremely stern faced man,

"Sing, you couldn't stop gushing about this new project-I am tee, Me too! And now you arent even ready yet? We should reach the location in 2hrs. Its an hour away from here. Get ready soon!"The man said, as I couldn't say anything standing frozen at the door. I am having a slight inkling of whats going on here, but I couldn't accept it.

"Uh khun?" I started, not knowing what say.

"Khun? Oh-ho, you call this poor P'jane khun now? To butter me up? Go get Ready!"He left going into the neighboring flat as he was muttering something along the lines of "naughty kid!"

I shut the door and sat on the couch. Hmm! Comfortable. I took the phone as I logged in, to all the social media accounts making my jaw drop. His Name is Singto? He ACTED as kongpob?!! What? Acted? As Me? In some drama named Sotus? Huh! So this is my future story? I read the plot making me feel all warm, I fell in love with someone?! What?! That too, he is the senior! He is Krist and he ACTED as hazer?! My heart started beating loudly. Apparently this Singto guy, won so many awards! For Sotus! For My life story! I think I am dreaming! Thats the only logical explanation. I should probably freshen up first. Its gonna be a long day!

A/N:- How is it guys so far? If its too boring or out of character, let me know! Comments are always welcome.
So Kongpob spoke to Krist, but Singto is yet to meet Arthit! Stay tuned to find out how Singto tries to hold up the stance for their iconic scene and how Kongpob adapts to Acting and finally meets This Krist(Arthit).


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