Chapter 8: Training II

Start from the beginning

"Oh I uh- found a new training spot!" Izuku said, which wasn't a complete lie. He had never trained at the beach before. Izuku didn't even know why he was keeping this from his brother.

Tenko watched his brother for a second before agreeing. "Okay... just be back before dark. Kurogiri might freak out." Tenko said, glancing at Kurogiri, who scoffed.

"I will not fre-"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm leaving. See ya later." And with that, Tenko left.

A few minutes passed by before Izuku stood up. "Well, bye Kurogiri!" Izuku waved as he left the hideout, leaving Kurogiri alone.


On his way to the beach, Izuku stopped by his home to put on his disguise. If he went there like normal, he'd have to do a lot of explaining.

Izuku soon arrived, looking out at the beach; if it could be called that. Piles of garbage covered all the sand, even blocking the view of the ocean. Why would All Might want to train here?

Speaking of All Might, "Young Shimura!" All Might called out from behind him. Izuku didn't immediately recognize that as his own name, but turned around the second he realized.

"H- Hey All Might!" Izuku stuttered. Izuku would need to stay in his first half the whole time. It was kinder, and was better off training to be a 'hero'. And, as a plus, he could practice staying in one personality for long periods of times.

"Young Shimura, before we get started, I would like you to meet someone." All Might gestured to the old man next to him, that Izuku just now noticed.

"Oh uh, hi." Izuku waved awkwardly.

"So 'Kiyokan Shimura', was it?" The short man asked, sounding suspicious.

"Yep! That's me!" Izuku smiled and pointed to himself.

"Hmm." The old man hummed. "You do look like her..." he said under his breath.

"Huh?" Izuku was confused as to why this guy was even here, and questioning him. Did he somehow know 'Kiyokan' wasn't his real name? Oh crap... Izuku worried.

"So you wanna be a hero, kid?"


"Why?" The man asked bluntly.

Izuku's cheery mood fell. This guy definitely didn't believe Izuku's story, whatever it was All Might told him.

"Well, uh," Izuku thought for a moment. Why did he want to be a hero all those years ago?

"I want to be just like All Might!" The words pained him to say, but were necessary. "I want to save people. For people to feel safe when I'm around! I want them reassured just by my smile!" Izuku had a determined look on his face.

The old man just hummed. "Fine." He looked over to All Might, "But I want you to train him hard. Make him the best he can be. I'll even train him some days." The old man decided. How could he train me? He's so old.

All Might looked a little nervous at this, but nodded his head anyway. All Might almost seemed... no way. Izuku realized. Is he actually afraid of this tiny old man?

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