Chapter 5: Machines

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6 weeks later...

After what felt like forever, Tenko was finally able to see his father. Izuku wasn't allowed to come though. Tenko didn't ask why, but he has a feeling he'll find out soon.

Tenko was told he would be teleported to his father, so he stood patiently, waiting. And waiting.

And waiting.

Was he not going to be teleported? Did he mishear Kurogiri's instructions? Is-

Tenko's questions were cut short when a cold liquid enveloped his arm. He sighed in relief at the sight.

A few moments later, Tenko was sent somewhere else. He looked around the room, trying to spot his father.

There was a big pile of equipment to his right, and screens behind it. To his left, was just a normal looking living room. Weird, Tenko thought.

"Tenko." Someone said

Tenko looked around, not quite sure where the voice came from."...Hello?" He said hesitantly.

"Over here." Tenko recognized the voice to be his fathers, coming from... the pile of equipment?

"Father?" Tenko questioned, confused as to where his father is.

"Yes. Come over." A hand popped out behind the equipment, waving Tenko over.

"What is all this?" Tenko was very confused at the moment. Why is father hiding? And why is this room so strange?

"I'll explain it all in good time." Was all the answer dad gave.

Tenko rounded the corner of the giant pile of machinery, to see his father sitting in the center of it all. Tubes were connected to many places on his body, and he still had a few bandages around his head, covering the upper half of his face.

Tenko's jaw dropped. "You were this badly injured?!"

"I actually died." Afo said casually.

"WHAT?!" Tenko exclaimed. His father actually d- wasn't alive for a moment?!

"I'm okay now, even if I don't look it. Dr. Ujiko will eventually have a portable version of all this," Afo motioned to all the medical equipment. "And," he added, "I might be able to find a quirk to reverse the damage."

"So... you're okay?" Tenko asked, a little worry seeping into his voice.

"Yes, Tenko." Afo opened his arms to allow his son to hug him. He's aware that he's probably suffered these past weeks.

Tenko gladly excepted the hug, practically lunging at his father.

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Tenko asked something, "When will Izuku be able to see you, dad?"

Afo sighed, knowing no one will like this answer, "He can't."

Tenko moved away from the hug, to look his father in the ey- in the area where his eyes are. "Why not?" Tenko asked, surprisingly calm.

"Do you really want to know, or rather, see?" Afo questioned. His son still hasn't seen the damage done to his face, just the bandages.

Tenko was confused, but said yes anyways.

"Alright." Afo lifted his hands up to his face, and carefully removed the bandages.

Tenko gasped at the sight. Half of his father's face was just... gone. His shock turned into anger rather quickly though, "I'm going to kill that so called hero!" He said hero with much disgust in his voice.

Afo just chuckled at the reaction. "Soon, but not yet. I have a feeling the opportunity will arise to kill him, but we must wait."

Tenko frowned at this response, but didn't question his father's judgment.

"Izuku can still call you though, right?" Tenko asked, worried for his brother once again.

"Yes. I'm not sure how I'll explain this to him... but it will turn out alright."

"Okay..." Tenko answered uneasily.

(I was gonna add a little bit of wholesome-ness but whatever 🤷‍♀️)

Inko sat on her couch, a glass of wine in her hand.

Izuku has been missing for nearly two years. And she has never been the same since.

She heard a knock at her door, but didn't bother to get up. She didn't care much about anything.

You would think she would have moved on by now, but Izuku was basically the last of her family.

The knocking at her door became more frantic, until eventually the door was knocked down.

"Auntie Inko?!" Bakugo yelled into the apartment, running in. He frantically looked around, until he spotted her on the couch.

"You have to answer your door." Bakugo said grumpily. He just panicked for nothing.

Inko glanced his way, "Sorry, Katsuki." The wine had already gotten to her head, so she wasn't in her full motherly mode. Usually she would be more apologetic and talkative.

Bakugo sighed. "You should go the bed, Auntie Inko. I brought groceries and I can put them away."

Inko just nodded and got up, walking to her room.

She sat on the edge of her bed, thinking about what she had done. I should be nicer to Katsuki. He's trying to help me. But she didn't have it in her to do anything. She was just exhausted. By what? She didn't know.

Suddenly her phone rang, and she looked at the caller.


Inko sighed. Why was he calling?

But in the end, she decided to answer anyway."Hello?"

"Hey. How are you holding up?"

Inko was silent for a moment, thinking. Should she be honest, or reassuring? "I'm-" Inko couldn't finish he sentence, and started to cry.

"-not fine." Inko finally said between tears.

The person on the other end sighed. "I'm sorry. We're still looking for him. He's out there somewhere. I can feel it."

"How do you know?!" Inko yelled.

"How do you know he's not d-!" she couldn't say that word. It was too painful to think about.

"I just do. I know that isn't really an answer, but I know he's okay."

Inko cried a little while longer, but she eventually calmed down. "How are you doing?" She decided to ask.

The person on the other end chuckled. "Not the best either to be honest." Inko chuckled with them.

She had missed talking to him. She was glad they were in contact again.

"I miss you." Inko suddenly said. Later, she would realized what she said, but for now, she was just voicing her feelings.

"I miss you too."


I'm excited to post chapter 7. Idk why but it's my favorite one so far. But y'all have to wait lol

Well I hope you all have a great day!

Don't forget to comment and vote!❤️

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