14. Vividly Colored Memories

Start from the beginning

"Ahh, that explains the accent." Aron nods. 

"What accent? I don't have an accent."

"You totally do! It's this sort of whiny country twang. It's very light but I can hear it cause I pay attention."

"I don't have an accent! And I'm not whiny!" 

"There it is." Aron smiles. 

"Fuck off!" 

Aron laughs.

No one has ever told me I have an accent. Aron's just deluded.

"Anyway, by then I was already a little delinquent. I refused to listen to anyone, I got into trouble a lot.. I was pretty much a more annoying version of who I am now.."

"More annoying? How?" Aron jokes. 

I push him again. 

"Shut up." I chuckle.

I continue the story.

It was the first day of school. The first day for me, anyway. Smack dab in the middle of the school year. Thanks, mom. She dropped me off and I had to find my own way through the small school. When I found the room I was supposed to go to I debated for a long time whether or not I should go inside. 

I didn't exactly get the chance to decide because I was approached by a man.

As I tell the story, I'm taken right back to Alabama.. 

"Oliver Sky, is it not?" 

I turned around and the man was tall. My neck hurt having to look up at him.  He had dark brown hair that was always drenched in gel and he had kind and inviting eyes. They were green. It made him look sort of surreal. 

"Just Sky." I said. Such a little punk. 

He sank down to my level.

"Hello, Sky. My name is Mr. Sanders but you can call me Neil. I'm going to be your teacher starting today." He smiled kindly. 

I thought he was weird. Nice people were weird. I was convinced that every nice person had something to hide. My mom was quite nice. But that was just to make up for the crappy mom that she was.

I feel the alcohol beginning to work. And I don't feel as tense as I did before. 

"How come she was a crappy mom?" Aron asks. 

"Well," No point in hiding it now. His dad might tell him after all. "She's a stripper, for one." 

Aron doesn't seem surprised. I guess he sort of expected something like that from when he saw my mother that night. 

"At night she was 'working' and during the day she slept. I had to do everything myself. I had to make my own food, shower.. all those things your mom's supposed to help you with when you're young." 

I laugh. "One time, we were supposed to go on this little day trip. She spent the entire time talking to men she didn't know and she actually forgot me at the train station." I chuckle. "I called her using a payphone and she simply told me to entertain myself for three hours until she got back. I couldn't go home cause I hadn't brought a key. So I was left to explore the dark streets on my own." 

Aron rubs my back in support of me. It feels nice. 

The sun is setting further and further into the sea. The sky is a beautiful set of vivid colors. Pinks, purples, yellows and red swirling all above us. 

I take another sip of my beer. 


I wondered what Neil's deal was. 

He took my hand and we went inside the classroom. Everybody stared at me as we did the whole 'introduce yourself' thing. I sat at the back of the class. Ignored everyone else. I just tried to keep my head down and survive the excruciating boredom at school. I doodled, stared out the window. Anything to not pay attention. Everything they covered in that school I had already learned back when I lived in New York. I was bored out of my mind. Some of my classmates began to notice my careless attitude and I quickly made some friends.

I was a real pest. I was constantly talking while the teacher spoke. Throwing things at people. Trying to get other people to be just as annoying as I was. And it worked. But it was clear that I was the instigator. 

It was a few days later. Friday, I remember, when Neil asked me to stay after class. I was pretty scared. He didn't look mad but I was sure he must have been, with the way I was acting. 

"Sky, come here for a second." 

I slowly approached his desk. 

"Why don't you have a seat?"  

I sat down across from him. I was really scared but I didn't let it show.

"Now, there is no need to be fearful."

At least I thought I didn't.

"I'm not angry with you."

I looked up into his eyes in disbelief. How could he not be mad? 

"I just wish you would pay more attention in class. I can tell you are a very bright little boy and you can do so much better." He spoke earnestly. 

I felt really happy that he wasn't mad and now he was even complimenting me. 

I played with the zipper of my jacket. 

"The classes are just really boring. I've already learned everything!" 

He began to laugh loudly. It was so obnoxious but.. inviting. I couldn't help but laugh a little, too.

"Is that so? So there is nothing I can teach you anymore?" He smiled. 

"No! I'm the smartest person alive!" 

He laughed again. 

I was happy he thought I was funny. And he actually payed attention when I talked. Unlike my mom or other adults.

"Come sit on my lap for a second, Sky." He tapped his lap. 

I did as he said. 

I never forget how tightly he held onto me. 

I sat there as he ran his hands up and down my back. 

I didn't pull away or anything. It wasn't that weird. 


It kind of became routine that on Fridays I had to stay a little longer after school. 

I enjoyed it. My mom barely gave me any attention so being with him made me feel wanted. He told me he loved me many times. That he was the only person in the world that truly cared for me. 

Anger and disgust are clear on Aron's face.

It was Friday, about a month later. At this point it was routine. I sat down on his lap. And he caressed my back. We talked about nothing.. as always. But something changed. 

His hand..

I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to detach myself from the memory. 

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