Fully apologize

42.1K 951 3.3K

TW - slight hint to unhealthy coping mechanisms

wordcount - 815

George rolled over in his bed, groaning quietly as he begun to wake up. He rubbed his eyes until he was adjusted to the light, beside him layed Dream and beside Dream was his alarm clock, reading the time 12:34 PM.

They'd been tired from the late night, or early morning. George didn't have much motivation to get out of bed, or do anything, but he was curious if anyone else was awake. He climbed over Dream carefully and ambled out of the room, rubbing the back of his neck and yawning.

He entered the kitchen, where Sapnap stood tiredly, looking through a box of . Bad seemed to be the only energized one after sleeping almost the whole night, he was around the house tidying up.

George was quiet, it made Sapnap think he was upset, it also made him assume Dream told him what happened. Of course he had full reason to be, I mean, he just wanted to resolve everything and make sure he could keep his bestfriend.

In reality George was clueless, and just tired. He opened the fridge and scanned around for anything to eat when Sapnap started to conversate.

"George?" He said softly in an apologetic tone.

George hummed in an unergetic response, turning his head to Sapnap and shutting the  refrigerator.

"I fully apologize to you, I'm so sorry." He frowned, but George only tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"Uh, about what?" He genuinely had no idea what Sapnap was on about.

"Yknow last night and everythinggg." He drug out the syllable when he realized Dream didn't tell George, a pure expression of panic flooded over his face; he cussed under his breath.

"What happened last night?" He spoke in a stern and demanding voice.

"Nothing, sorry." He only lied because he was unsure if Dream wanted to tell George. George was his friend but he was Dreams boyfriend. Sapnap tried to walkway with his donought, but he was stopped by George angrily blocking the entrance.

"Tell me."

Sapnap considered his options. Lying to him would make him an even worse friend,  and it would leave Sapnap with a secret and shadow of guilt, ignoring him would only upset George more and telling him would possibly ruin their friendship. They all seemed like horrible options, but it was his mistake and he needed to own up to it, despite the consequences that may come.

"Okay listen," He set his food down on the kitchen counter. "It was fully my fault, Dream had no partaking and honestly he stopped it immediately, I mean he stopped what I did," He scrambled for the right words and he messed up his sentences.

The second he heard Dreams name get brought up, a bad feeling crept up his spine.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush. Last night he came up to my room for something I can't remember, and I was smoking or whatever, thats not excuse, and again I'm sorry," He said he wouldn't beat around the bush, but he definitely was.

"You talk too much. What happened." He didn't ask, he demanded to know.

"I kissed him." He blurted out with a worried, apologetic face.

George felt so many different emotions. Anger for Sapnap, and Dream at that. Sadness, suprise, confusion. He didn't even know what to say.

He nodded and left the kitchen. He didn't speak, he didn't cry, he simply left the kitchen. He wouldn't go to his own room though, instead he went up to bads. He was always there for him when he needed comfort. Plus, he didn't want to talk to Dream who was asleep inside Georges room. He wasn't mad at him for what Sapnap did, he was mad at him for not telling him what happened. 

George knocked frantically on Bads bedroom door, until he heard him shout to come in. So he did, and he shut the door behind him.

"What do you need?" He spoke with a smile and happy tone until George started crying. He immediately dropped what he was doing to go wrap him in a hug.


It was a bit later, Bad had offered George some snacks but he wasn't hungry. Instead Bad let George rant to him about what he was feeling, and after last time he was glad George came to him for help. It was definitely healthier. They were now chilling out on the bedroom floor and now talked about all random things.

"I honestly think that dogs are better than cats, but all animals are cute." Bad shrugged his shoulders on an unsure answer.

"No way, cats are definitely better."

"Well of course you would think so, George." He giggled.

A knock hit against the bedroom door, causing the two to look at eachother in question.


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