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Meanwhile, Solenn trained Gabriel and the soldiers they will be bringing along with them in the siege. Where Solomon thrived in drawing up battle strategies and tactics that would guarantee their sure win, Solenn was known in the Initiative for her leadership and combat skills. It came as no surprise that she was appointed the leader and captain of the squad that would travel via the puéstos.

As a squad leader and trainer, Solenn was fair, but strict. She cut her soldiers no slack. Rain or shine they trained, did their calisthenics, wielded their weapons. She pushed them beyond their limits, until their bodies screamed for reprieve and their minds demanded rest. And even then, when their bones were breaking and their muscles were aching, she pushed them more.

She  had  a  way  about  her,  though,  that  made  the  Guardians follow her, neophytes and veterans alike. She wasn’t like most of the instructors who just barked out orders and stood on the sidelines while the soldiers did the grunt work. Solenn would bark out orders, drills and exercises, but she would also be the first to execute them. She knew the names of all the men under her instruction. With the help of Lukas’s reports, which she grudgingly accepted, she made sure she knew all their stats — strengths, weaknesses, capabilities, limitations, and even fears. She knew everything, from their vital stats down to their allergies and shoe size.

She was strict and she pushed hard, but no more than what she knew her soldiers could handle, Gabriel included.

The seven Candidates had begrudgingly tried to get along better, if only to appease their commander. They still didn’t like each other much, but they were learning at least to work together where it mattered most — the mission.

For their part, the Judges also made sure that all Guardians and Candidates were prepared not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. They spent at least two hours every day in deep meditation, prayer and contemplation.

“Demons,” Samson said during one of their trainings, “attack not only your physical bodies, but also your minds and emotions. You need to have a strong mind and a strong spirit to withstand their attacks. The only way you can strengthen your spirit is when you meditate. Get in touch with your soul during moments of silence. Know the one who made you and acknowledge the power granted to you by the Triune.”

They were instructed to meditate in the forest near Samson’s house. Every day at dawn, they took positions in their preferred locations and would start by quieting the turbulent thoughts in their minds to listen to the sounds of nature.

The gentle hum of the morning breeze. The faint rustling of the dancing leaves. The rush water down the stream in the heart of the woods. The steady beat of their heart.

Solenn hated meditation. She would rather go out into the training grounds on Samson’s lands or the more advanced training rooms in Tower Hope to hone her skills than to listen to the deafening silence in her mind. Solenn didn’t like the silence.

Silence was empty, and emptiness meant remembering. She didn’t want to remember.


Solenn took Gabriel around the great city and showed him the different civilian districts, locally called cantons, during their free time. There were seven all in all, not including the Citadel, which is the heart of the city, and the home and headquarters of the Guardians and the Councilmen. The seven cantons are responsible for maintaining several sections in the city and providing its different needs.

Majestic. It was the only word Gabriel could use to describe the place that took pride in being known as the city closest to heaven. Flying over its streets, he could understand why. The huge city was made of glass and jewels. Everywhere he looked, skyscrapers, towers, homes and establishments were plated with glass and mirrors, accentuated with brilliant gems and stones. The entire city was powered by the sun. There were solar panels on every establishment and vehicle, but Solenn had shown him the solar power plant that distributed energy to the entire Cielterran continent. Well, those who needed it, anyway, Solenn said. Alegreans have no need for energy. They have their own. Don’task me how.I have no desire to learn the ways of the Otherworldlies.

CHAMPIONS (The Lost Chronicles of Eden, #1) [Published]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora