Chapter 6 | Sudden Attack - Brutal Instinct

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->|<-3rd Person POV->|<-

It's been some time since they left their shrine home. It was hard to say goodbye but unfortunately it was for their own safety. Onboard Hakuryu's ship, the owner himself made sure to go as fast as he could in order not to draw any unwanted attention, taking the safest route to get back to base, where everyone will be safe.

In one of the rooms inside the ship, Fuhrer decided to take a short nap as he didn't exactly gain much rest because of the situation yesterday. Others have also followed behind, decided to rest a bit before they land. However, others seemed to be wide awake.

Fuhrer, not like he had a choice, woke up with a tick mark on his head after waking up to some of the more energetic girls's outbursts...

[Cheshire]: "Yeah, this is so much fun!"


[Georgia]: "YEAH!"

[Omitter]: "I wanna shoot the seagulls!"

[Compiler]: "Don't shoot the crows okay!"

[Ibuki]: "P-Please be quiet, the others are trying to rest!"

[Fuhrer's Thought]: 'I love you Ibuki but you're not making it any better.'

He was glad that they're having fun and enjoying themselves, but seriously please keep it down! Unfortunately he wasn't able to return to his slumber, so he grumbled and got onto his feet, and soon made his way to where Hakuryu was...

[Fuhrer]: "..."

[Hakuryu]: *Whispers* "Sorry about that, they just got excited."

[Fuhrer]: "...Whatever. *Yawns*" He spoke in a groggy tone.

A bit of time has passed since and they have finally arrived at the harbor of the Sakura Empire. On the docks, a few individuals were seen waiting. Some look familiar while there were a few new faces to some of the members onboard Hakuryu's ship. But the names of the ones who they DO(-ish) know are of the following: Amagi, Tosa, Mikasa(Ahem grandma), Shoukaku, and Zuikaku(Bless her soul).

Upon docking the ship- or parking whichever one, Fuhrer and the others jumped off of Hakuryu's ship and landed perfectly on their feet on the docks. However, despite being in friendly territory, Fuhrer was still wary, making sure to keep his guard up but in secret. Hakuryu and Mei both hopped off of the ship and made their way to the Sakura Empire's current flagship, Shoukaku, reporting in...

[Hakuryu]: "We're back, Shoukaku, thank you for patiently waiting."

[Mei]: "No sirens have been sighted on our way here."

[Shoukaku]: "Thank you for your hard work. Both of you. You've been a lot of help." She praised them and lightly patted their heads.

The three bowed to one another and Shoukaku then made her way over to Fuhrer and the others. Whilst this was happening, one of the unnamed individuals ran up and gave Hakuryu a friend hug, wrapping her arms around his waist...

[???]: "Good day, Hakuryu-Sama." She greeted him.

[Hakuryu]: "Good day to you, Junyou. How do you do?" He said while patting her head.

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