5 | Harry - Take The Shot Harry

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These two together are scary to watch. It's like everything you could ever have nightmares about wrapped up into 2 bat shit crazy people. It even scares me when them two get into that mindset and start doing what they do best.

I ended up having to fight two people at once. They both lunged at the same so I ducked and stepped forwards moving under their arms. They both missed and turned around to face me. 

I gave them a cheesy smile and waved. They looked at each other with confused expressions which was a stupid move really. This allowed me to throw my knife towards one of my assailants burying the knife deep in his skull. 

I saw the second person's face pale drastically when he realised what was next but it didn't stop him from trying to pull his gun out and shoot me.

Before he could get a grip on his weapon, I ran behind him and wrapped my arms around his throat. Seconds later there was a crack and his body went limp beneath me. He was dead. 

A snapped neck will do that to you.

Louis had also taken down another 2 men leaving us with the last two on the final door. Niall and Jamie had just cleared the last of the room and judging by the amount of blood on Niall's shirt, he had some fun whilst he was at it.

"Ready?" I asked everyone in a whisper.

After everyone nodded in agreement, I went to open the door when Jamie's hand suddenly appeared on top of mine. I couldn't deny the electric feel her hand had on mine. It made goose bumps form along my arm.

"Ladies first Styles." she snarled at me with a coy smirk. It was menacing and looked full of evil. It was kind of hot.

Oh for fuck sake, I did it again. Bad Harry.

"After you J."

Yep, I'm fucked.

I didn't miss the quizzical look she gave me before slamming her foot into the door causing it to swing wide open and bash against the wall on the inside of the room making everyone in the room jump in fright.

"Hi boys!" Jamie taunted cheerily. I rolled my eyes at her before pulling my gun and shooting one of the men, Niall shot one and Louis shot another.

That left one man standing other than the guy in the chair. I watched Jamie crack her knuckles and her neck before taking a menacing step towards the final man. She looked terrifying. He started to pull his gun out but before he could even reach it Jamie had pulled out her knife and lodged it in his throat.

"That was anticlimactic." she stated. Dramatic much?

"Can we just grab him and run please?" I gestured towards the crying man in the chair, "I would like to be asleep before midnight if I can help it."

Louis and Niall grabbed the guy and helped him out after Jamie and I cut off all his restraints. We left the tape covering his mouth though, we don't need to hear him sobbing all the way home.

Throughout all of this Ellie had been pretty quiet and only told us if someone was creeping up behind us which only happened once to Louis because he thought the guy was already dead. 

We started to make our way back out with the guy we had 'rescued'. We had all made it to the alleyway where the van was when we realised that Jamie was missing. Somewhere between the second floor and the van she had gotten lost and we hadn't noticed.

"Ellie, where's Jamie?" I shouted at her. I couldn't give you any clues as to why I was panicking but I was. Something made me want to find her. 

Probably some no man left behind bull shit. Even if that man is a conceited spoiled brat that happens to be a woman.

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