48.| Hold On Tight

Start from the beginning

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "What a big mouth."

Hope's eyes widened. "What are you talking about? What is he talking about?"

"100 years ago Lucas gained ahold of this very dark magic," Brooklyn explains. "It started to change him, he had random zone outs, blackouts—he wasn't himself. Once we caught onto what it had been we realized that the dark magic was tearing him from the inside and turning him into everything that humans feared."

"How did you stop him?"

"We removed half his grace and extracted the power he had in him."

"And we can't do that now?"

Brooklyn shook her head. "Not exactly. He's more powerful than ever now. And with what today is... things could only get worse."

"What do you mean worse?"

Brooklyn stood stilled in her place quietly.

"Brooklyn what is going to happen!?" Hope shouts clearly getting worried and annoyed.

"They plan to raise Malivore and once Malivore has risen Lucas is going to consume all the magic from both The Necromancer and Malivore," Brooklyn explained.

Hope scoffed. "And you'd rather tell me this last minute?"

"You weren't even supposed to know."

Hope clenched up her fist causing Brooklyn to fall on her knees and holding onto her head.

"Hope stop!" Landon shouts.

"Why should we even believe a word she's saying? For all, we know this could be a trap!?" Hope huffs, still clenching her fist.

"B-because I love Lucas and I-I clearly don't want him d-dead." Brooklyn chokes out. "Ahh! Stop it, please!"

Hope waits a few seconds before letting her fist relax. "We are finding a way to stop everything that is going on tonight. Because there is no way I'm letting that prophecy come true."

"Hope we tried—"

"Not hard enough." Hope spat. "I'm going to go find him—"

"He can't know you know!" Brooklyn shouts, finally regaining her strength. "If he finds out you'll just make things worse. B-but one way you could probably get Lucas out—the real one—is with your Hope Mikaelson love."

Hope sighs. "Okay... I've got to go find him and make sure he stays far away from The Necromancer," she says as she walks out the door, she then pauses and turns around. "Please keep looking."

Landon nods. "We will. I promise."

With that Hope gathered a few things before making her way to Lucas's dorm. She knocked and waited a few seconds before walking in.

"Hey, Hope." Luci smiles.

Hope mirrored the smile. "Hi, Luc."

Luci furrowed his brows. "What's with the stuff?"

In Hope's hand, she had been holding a tray with a few goods in it.

"You really forgot?" Hope asks.


"Our one-year anniversary," Hope says.

Now that had been a complete lie, but she wanted to see if what Brooklyn and Landon had been saying was true. And this was the only way to find out.

"Oh crap," Luci says holding his head as he shook it in disappointment. "I-i'm sorry, I totally forgot."

He played right into it.

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