
That night I didn't get much sleep. I was thinking about the ball and the cottage that Dumbledore mentioned.

'I can't do this.' I thought, and got out of bed. I left my dorm and went down to the empty common room. I sat on the couch and in front of me was a warm fire. I stared blankly at the fire. I didn't know what I was thinking about in that moment but it was interrupted by someone.

"(Y/n)?" Someone whispered. I turned to see who it was.

"James?" (Y/n) the circle glasses reflecting the fire, "What are you doing in your robes?" James was standing there, unlike (y/n), he was wearing his robes instead of pajamas.

"I- uh- I couldn't sleep. Thought I should stop by the kitchen." He shrugged, but I noticed that he was holding something.

"What's that in your hand?" I asked suspiciously.

"Hmm? Oh! This? It's just some parchment I found."

"Oh...okay. Well I couldn't sleep so I came down here."

"Mind if I join?"

"Not at all."

James sat next to me and there was some silence.

"I talked to Dumbledore today." I said, the ball is a perfect topic.


"A ball."

"A ball?" James snickered.

"Yes, you idiot, a ball."

"Why are you talking about a ball?"

"So I can learn to sew." I said sarcastically and James cocked his head. "So we can have a ball at Hogwarts! Is there another reason to talk about a ball?"

"Depends what ball are you talking about. There are the ones that are tossed around, I think we already have those at Hogwarts though..."

"You're such a nincompoop."

"Why thank you very much."

"I'm talking about a ball. With dancing, gowns, suits, music, etcetera."


"Think about it James. And actually use your brain cells...if you have any." I whispered the last four words under my breath.

"What did you say?"

"Imagine," I continued, ignoring James's question, "Halloween night, the Great Hall is lit with candles and decorated for the occasion. It is so elegant and everyone is dressed up with beautiful masks on their face. A masquerade ball."

"That sounds fancy."

"What part of 'it is so elegant' do you not understand?"

"Wait...does the ball includes...dates?"

"That's a possibility. But Dumbledore is still thinking about it."

"I think it sounds cool. You know, I can ask Evans to be my date if we do have one."

"Fascinating." I responded sarcastically. That conversation ended and it was silent again. Thinking back to earlier today with Galton, we were talking about zodiacs and our birthdays.

'I don't know any of the Marauders birthdays. Or anyone's birthday at all.'



"When's your birthday?"

"March 27th."

"You're an Aries?"

"Uh- yeah- sure."

"That explains so much..." I muttered, "When is Remus's birthday? And Sirius's? And Peter's?"

"Remus is March 10th, Sirius is November 3rd, and Peter is May 23rd. Why?"

"What do you mean why? You guys are my friends. It's my duty to know your guys' birthdays."

"That's true. So when's your birthday?"

"February 19th."


"Well, I'm going to bed. If you do go to the kitchens, get me something." I said, standing up and walked over to the girl dormitories.

"Good night, (y/n)." James called out.

"Good night, nincompoop." I responded back, followed by a yawn.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is sort of random. Will there be a ball? Maybe...but I just hope you individuals enjoyed it! <3

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