Chapter 10: The fallen fathers

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The plane crashed on the ground. After an hour or so, they got up and are all bloody and bruises all over their body. 

"Where are we?" Henry asked. 

"I don't know," Diana replied.

They are on the island where their plane crashed. The island is full of trees and grasses. They realized that they are in the middle of the forest. 

"We're in the middle of the forest." Kizzia informed everyone.

"WHAT?" Lukas asked worriedly. 

"Yes Luk, we're in the middle of the forest. And I am certain that this island is not Palawan."

"But how did you know then?" Henry asked rudely. 

"Because I did some research about Palawan...unlike you!" Kizzia answered confidently. 

"Enough of that." Diana interrupted. 

"Is everybody alright?" Mary's voice is shaking. 

"Y-yes. We're okay!" Diana replied. 

She is now counting the people who stood up. She then hurriedly asked everyone, "Where's Cedric!?" 

"And where's the body of Abraham?" Ria asked as well. 

"W-w-where's Cedric?" Diana asked again and tears are falling in her eyes. She looked very worried.

 They didn't reply but they searched the whole area to find Cedric and the body of Abraham. 

Mary saw the pilot. The pilot stood right beside the plane. And he is holding two dead bodies.         "W-w-who are they?" Mary asked. 

"I...don't know." The pilot replied calmly. 

Mary ran and went to the pilot. The pilot is holding the dead body of Abraham on the right side. 

When she looked at the left side of the pilot she saw another dead body. And the dead body is Cedric's body. Cedric is dead. Mary looked petrified after watching the dead body of Cedric that is full of blood.

Cedric did not survive the plane crash. 

 "NOOOO! NOOO! C-C-CEDRIC!" Mary cried. 

"DIANA!" Mary shouted. 

Diana came running and is looking insane when she saw the dead body of her husband lying on the lap of Mary.

 "N-N-N-NOOOOOOOO! CEDRIC!" Everyone heard Diana's scream and they are all going to where the scream came from. 

"What's happen..." Kaiser said but got interrupted by Kizzia. 

"DAD? DAAAAD!" Kizzia cried. She hugged his father tightly. 

The others didn't move and did not say anything. They are all staring at the body of Cedric in disbelief. 

"NOOOO! PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE US DAD!" Kizzia continued. 

After an hour of crying, David–the father of Kaiser, the pilot, and Lukas carried the body of Cedric and the body of Abraham. They walked and went to the hole where Mary, Marga, and Kaiser dug. And they put the bodies of Cedric and Abraham in the hole. 

Kizzia, Diana, Ria, and Henry are still crying while watching the grave of Cedric and Abraham. Kizzia went to the grave and wrote in the soil using her finger: 

Here lies, two fallen great fathers

After hours of grief, they all went to sleep without eating any food. But Lukas can't sleep. He keeps on thinking of the killer. 

Who is the killer? Lukas asked himself. 

He keeps on thinking of the killer and how the killer got into the plane, his phone then rang inside his pocket. 

Lukas wants to ignore the call but he decided to answer it. 

"HOW DARE YOU!" Lukas shouted. 

"Don't shout at me, baby." A cold voice replied, the killer. 

"Be ready because I will get another life tomorrow." The killer informed Lukas then he ended the call.

Impossible! He already jumped on the plane before the plane crash. He has no idea where we are. Lukas said.

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