Chapter 2: Threatened

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Gabriel walked with the baby and his things for 2 hours now. They can't find a place where they can sleep. They past different villages just to find a small shed where they will stay for the night.

And now, they finally found a small shed in the Sunrise village, the shed is made of bricks and metals or in short this shed is way better than their house in Midland Garden. Gabriel put their things at the corner of the shed and got the baby beside him. And they slept.

 A sunny and bright morning at Sunrise village wakes them up.

Gabriel woke-up early in the morning to find some foods to eat for their breakfast. When he was walking on the road and looking for foods, someone suddenly holds his hand tightly. Gabriel stares at the big man and by the looks of it, Gabriel's face was so anxious and his sweat was running on his face.

"W-w-w-what are you doing?" asked Gabriel looking terrified.

"How's the baby?" asked the big man calmly. "He's doing fine. He's doing great actually." Lied Gabriel.

"Are you sure? Your mouth may fool me but your eyes can't." Replied the big man with a normal tone in his voice.

"What do you mean? Asked Gabriel. "I am not lying! And stop holding me, man!" Gabriel shouted to the big man who is now releasing Gabriel's hand.

"I can see that you are having some problems in raising the child." The big man added. "No, we're not. We're doing great." And again Gabriel lied.

"If you say so." The man replied and walked away.

Gabriel left stunned. He didn't move for a few minutes, he was standing straight and petrified as if he was dead. Is he warned? What did he do? What does the man meant? Is the man spying on the family of Gabriel, the Castro family? Who is that big man?

After a few minutes, Gabriel now moved and he continued to walk to look for foods but his still thinking about what the man said.

He didn't get any foods because he went straight back to the shed looking at the child now and then.

He is now somewhat like guarding the baby against any harm. "No one will..." His words were cut as tears are now going out from his eyes. "They can't, and I won't let them." Gabriel continued.

He moved and hugged the baby as though it was the last hug that he could give to the child. And he is now sobbing. 

Many people were now passing the Shed. Gabriel is looking at his watch and it is now eight in the morning. The passersby are all looking at the child and then at Gabriel. Their stares are so deadly as if Gabriel and the child are criminals.

After an hour of hugging the baby boy, Gabriel then moved outside to listen to the murmurs of the passersby.

Gabriel is now looking pale as he remembers their conversation with the big man.

"You know what I heard Nicks? I heard that the baby inside the shed is the lost child of Mr. and Mrs. Glades." Told the woman to her friend or her sister.

"Really? The Glades family is the wealthiest in town Anna. What if we tell the Glades family that their son is here? We can ask the Glades' a prize if we tell them that you know where their son is." Answered the other girl who is staring at the child.

As Gabriel heard all those things, he then immediately lift the baby and he ran away looking for a hiding place.

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