Chapter 3: The Lost Child

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Gabriel ran away, the sister's Anna and Nicks were stunned and staring at each other. "I think your right, Anna. That child is the missing son of the Glades." Said Nicks excitedly.

"But how can you prove that Nicks? How can you be so sure?" Anna asked Nicks curiously.

"Are you dumb? Are you blind? Didn't you notice that the person who is bringing the child heard us talking? He probably thinks that we already know his secret that's why he ran away." Nicks explained.

"Of course I noticed it! But you know what catches my attention to that guy? It's just that his face is so familiar. I feel like his part of the family." Anna said who was a bit confused and thinking if they already met with the guy before.

An hour had past and Gabriel is still looking for a hiding place and he is looking more nervous than ever.

Until he had found a place which is a perfect hiding place. The room is dark, it is somewhat a hunted or abandoned room, the place is silent, and it is far from the city. For sure no one will enter that room.

But why is Gabriel hiding? Why is he scared? Are the murmurs true? Is the child the missing child of the Glades?

The next morning is full of happiness and good news. The City of Buatuon is so loud for almost all people are celebrating. Gabriel was confused. Why are people celebrating? Why the place near their hiding room is so crowded?  It is not like this before. The place is quiet before, but why is it so crowded today?

Gabriel put the baby at the very corner of the room, then Gabriel walked and left the room. He is walking towards the direction where the people is talking noisily and celebrating.

"The lost son of the Glades is back!"
"He's back! The child is back!"
"I'm so happy for the Glades!"
Those were the words that welcomed Gabriel outside.

"What's happening?" Asked Gabriel to the man who is looking happy.

"The son of the Glades is finally found!" Shouted the man who is looking so happy. Gabriel is looking astounded and smiled slightly at the crowd.

"But why are you all here? You should be celebrating in the city. This is far from the city and the Glades are not living here. So why are you all here?" asked Gabriel who is looking bewildered.

"The son of the Glades are found here! A girl saw the child in the trashcan." The man replied who is looking angry because of what happened to the child.

But why are they celebrating? Who are the Glades? Why are people celebrating because of their child? Are the Glades famous? Who are they?    

Gabriel walked away and is on their way to their hiding place.

While he was walking he can still hear the murmurs of the crowd about Glade's family.

"The Glades family is the wealthiest in town. Mr. Abraham Glades is the Mayor of the City. The Glades family helped many people in this City. Many people call Mr. Glades as the best Mayor of all time." Heard Gabriel as he passed the two men sitting on a bench. 

"Well, that explains everything! That is why many people are alarmed when they heard the news that their child was gone missing. People were united and are all looking for their child. I am so glad that their son had been found now." Replied the other man.

Gabriel now arrived at their hiding place where he left the baby boy. But the baby is not alone, the big man he met on the road when he was finding some foods to eat is standing beside the baby.

"Good to see you again." Said the big man to Gabriel.

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