Tuff Love

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Part 6

You downed your drink and squinted your eyes from how strong it was, but it was good.

"Damn, this is good, " you said.

Fred smirked and put his drink down. He grabbed your hand and took you to dance where everyone else was.

You guys danced to the music, Fred grabbed your waist and you moved your body against his. From the corner of your eye, you saw Draco standing against a wall drinking something staring at you guys.

The music stopped and Blaise was speaking from a microphone, "How are you guys doing!" Blaise yelled.

Everyone yelled in excitement. "Ok, it's time to play truth or dare! Who's ready!" Blaise yelled.

Everyone jumped, screamed in excitement.

Everyone sat in places but it made a big circle, some people left with their dates, up into the dorms, or left the common room.

"Ok so since there are a lot of you people, you have to put your name on a little piece of parchment and put it inside here, " Blaise said, everyone was handed a piece of parchment and had to pass the quill around and everyone crumbled the parchment and put it inside the big bowl Blaise was holding.

"Ok the names I'm picking are the people that are playing, sorry but there are too many damn people, " Blaise laughed.

"Ok so first is... Y/n! Well, lucky ass, " Blaise put the paper down, "Next... Draco! Well damn, this is going to be fun, " He laughed.



"My love of course Luna,"



"Fred and George, you guys can stay together,"


"Me ha!"


"H-Hermione I guess,"

"Three more people, " said Blaise,

"Seamus and... Dean and Mattheo, "  Blaise put the bowl away and all the others left. You waved bye to Cho and her guest and then it was just everyone who was playing.

"Well we lost our luck, so many Gryffindor's, " Blaise said.

You guys sat in a circle and began to play first was Blaise.

"Hmm Potter truth or dare?" Blaise smirked.

"Truth, " Harry said coolly,

"Scared Potter?" Draco snickered.

"Shut up, "

"Ok is it true you and Ron are together? There have been rumors, " Blaise chuckled.

"NO! I LIKE GINNY!" Harry yelled.

Harry's face went red, so did Ginny's, Ron was bursting with laughter so was Hermione. Everyone ended up laughing.

Invisible Love    A Draco Malfoy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now