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Part 3

There was a Quidditch game today, Gryffindor against Slytherin. You got up and changed into your robe, and did your hair. You left the common room with Luna talking on the way over there about what boys you think are cute and not.

"Ok, what about Neville?" You asked her.

"Neville is cute, " luna blushed, "what about you?" She asked. "Neville is cute he's such a sweetheart," you said.

"Yeah, he is," Luna said dreamy-like, "Do you like him?" You said surprised. She looked at the ground blushing "Oh my goodness you do so CUTE!" You said quite loudly.

"Ok ok it's not a big deal, so um how about Malfoy?" luna said. You rolled your eyes, "I'll pass," you said.

"You can't you have to answer AND be honest it's part of the game," Luna said as you guys walked into the great hall. You both took a seat as luna kept saying to answer her question.

"Fine, let me just take a look at his face because the times I do I'm filled with anger, " you said.

You looked at Draco, he was talking to Blaise laughing and smiling. He looked kind, you never saw him smile like that before the only time you have seen him smile was when he would laugh at you.

He's actually kind of cute you thought to yourself but didn't know you were saying your thoughts out loud.

"Ha! I knew it!" luna shouted taking you out of your thoughts, everyone started looking at her. "Sorry, " she said.

"So you do think he's cute, " luna slightly whispered to you, "Well... Kind of, " you said. She squealed, you just laughed and continued to eat.

You were in defense against the dark arts class, you had sat next to this Hufflepuff boy Cedric Diggory. You heard that he was in the tournament that's coming up.

"Hey, I'm Y/n Y/l/n," you smiled.

He looked at you up and down like he noticed you somewhere but doesn't know where.

"Hey I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory" he shook your hand. "Do I know you?" he asked. "Well I don't suppose so unless you've seen me or heard about me," you smiled.

"I do know you, your Cho's friend, " he said.

"Oh you know Cho, how?" You asked.

"We're friends," he said.

"Do you guys want to share your conversation with the class!" Professor Moody shouted.

"Sorry professor," you both said and went back to reading about the Unforgivable Curses. Once class was over you were already exhausted, you gathered your things and went off to Charm's class next.

"Today class we will be learning the Banishing Charm, " Professor Flitwick said.

You heard Draco whisper to Crabbe "I would like to use that on Y/n," he snickered. You ignored him and continued to listen to Professor Flitwick.

As you were practicing the Charm, you turned to talk to Ginny to only see bright light pass by you so close to you that it could've hit you but hit the ground instead.

You turned around to see Draco laughing "What the hell is wrong with you Malfoy!" You yelled.

"What I was just trying to make you oblivious, your lucky I missed next time I won't," he said with venom. Professor Flitwick was trying to stop you two but you guy's were to blinded by anger to even pay attention.

"You know what I could just do it now," he pointed his wand at you and was about to Obliviate you.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" You yelled, before he could finish saying the spell his wand flew out his hand. He got up out of his seat and walked towards you "You have some nerve Y/n!" Draco yelled in your face.

"MISS Y/L/N AND MR. MALFOY STOP IT THIS INSTANT!" Professor Flitwick yelled.

"This isn't over, " you growled at him.

He raised his eyebrows at you "Oh trust me I know it's not," he said you walked away from each other and took your seats.

"Both of you will have detention for the whole week!" He shouted "Fighting in my class these children," he mumbled.


Everyone was talking about it, in the halls you heard people whisper about you and Draco. You were so annoyed. You went to Transfiguration class.

You were the first one in class, you took a seat and took out your diary, ink and a blue/ green quill with your name graved in it. You began to write "Im hearing horrible things that happened in Charms class, care to explain?" Professor Mcgonagall said.

"It was all Malfoy," you started "He's always messing with me, he tried to obliviate me but I used a disarming spell on him. We got detention for the whole week and It's only been my fourth week here," you complained. She looked at you with concern but also seemed disappointed.

"Professor McGonagall..." you called for her, "Yes?" She replied.

"I don't know what I ever did to Draco for him to hate me so much, I tried being his friend and being nice to him and everything I could do but he still didn't budge, I mean he tried to obliviate me who does that, " you felt tears roll down your face and you wiped them away quickly.

"Sorry didn't mean to just poor all my problems on you professor, " she softened her look and patted your back "It's ok, clean yourself up the others should be coming soon, " she smiled at you.

What you didn't know was that Draco was by the door listening. He felt bad deep down but didn't show.

Once classes were over everyone went to the Quidditch field. As everyone was shouting and playing, you sat there and just observed not in the mood. You were tired so you left you walked around the school, it was empty and quiet and peaceful.

You went to the common room, made yourself some tea, and started a fire in the fireplace. You grabbed a cover sat on the couch pulled the blanket over you and watched the fire.

You had drifted off to sleep on the couch. You wake up from Luna and Cho whispering to each other.

You sat up and rubbed your eyes, "What's wrong?" you asked.

They turned towards you and gave you a note, you grabbed the note looked at them, and back at the note. You began to read it.

Dear Y/n,

I would like to meet you at the astronomy tower tomorrow at 5:00 pm to talk to you about something. You should know who I am if not then you'll have to figure it out. Also, Flitwick told me to tell you that you have detention at 7:30 pm tomorrow with Filtch and Hagrid.

From, Anonymous


Here's part three hope you enjoy let me know what you think if you have any ideas thank you for reading lots of love for you guys ♥︎♥︎

Invisible Love    A Draco Malfoy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now