The Diary's

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Part 4
(Tw: just in case somethings here that someone doesn't like)

Dear diary,

It's been two weeks since Y/n has been missing. I feel so lost, everyone is worried and I think I might know where she is but I can't do it alone.

I asked her friends for help they said yes. Connor had to take her but he's been coming to class like he didn't do anything to her.

She's going to be devastated when she finds out what happened to Diggory, they were close with each other.

I will find her.

Sincerely, D.LM


It's been two weeks since Connor has kept you hostage, you've become good friends with Marlene and they noticed so separated you guys. You were now in a room with a little bed and little vanity with no windows or closet.

You observed the room and seen a vent but too small for you to get through. You sat on the bed and the guy closed the door and locked it. You sighed and thought at least I got a bed. You laid down and closed your eyes and thought of your mother and how happy she used to be, her smile shined bright when with your father, and you thought of how devastated she'll be when she finds out you were kidnapped by your crazy ex. That her only love left is now missing.

You heard the door unlock a couple of hours later and see the same guy come in, "Boss needs you, " he said and walked towards you and you got up, he gripped your arm harshly and took you to where the 'boss' is.

He pushed you into the dining room, "Nice to see you again baby, " Connor got up and walked towards you. He touched your face you jerked it away from him, he didn't like that so grabbed it harshly making you look at him.

"Why are you like this? You're fourteen and to do this why?" tears pricked your eyes.

"Because I'm treating people the way they treated me, " he growled, "Anyway, Our Lord would like to see you, " Connor said pointing to the large doors.

"Lord? What do you mean Lord?" you said confused.

"Our Dark Lord," he said with venom and smirked, "Lord Voldemort, " he chuckled.

"No, no I will not go in there!" You ran out and tried opening the doors but they were all locked, "No, no please someone help!" You yelled.

"Ugh women, go get her," Connor told the rather large men, they went after you. You saw them coming and kept running until you were trapped and couldn't go anywhere. You begged and begged but they didn't budge, they grabbed you and took you back while you kicked and screamed and begged for them to let go.

They threw you on the ground and Connor grabbed your face and said "Try something like that again I'll kill you," His voice was pure evil.

They took you inside the rooms and you see him your breathing was so heavy and you were shaky and terrified. He walked up to you and you felt tears stream down your face, his eyes met yours and you saw a bright flash, the flash went away you felt dizzy and stumbled.

"It's very nice to see you again," his cold voice made you cringe.

You didn't speak just stared, "What do you want with me?" You said.

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