Chapter 19

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Yesung open the cabinet and look for the picture.

Yesung: (Gasp)..Not here...but how.... (look around)....Kyu.....Grr.....That evil maknae..

Sungmin came.

Sungmin: Hey-

Yesung: Talk later man

Yesung left.

Sungmin: Yesung?...

At livingroom.

Yesung: ..........Maria......

Ryeowook: What's wrong

Yesung: Maria hates me.

Ryeowook: Really?

Yesung: Hm.

Yesung look at the window.

Yesung: I'll tell you the truth maria...the whole truth..

Ryeowook: She will forgive you.

At entrance door.

Kyuhyun: Bye...white rabbit see ya tomorrow night

Maria: .....Bye...Kyu oppa.........

Maria left.

Kyuhyun open the door

Yesung quickly punched his face harder

Kyuhyun: Grr..

Yesung: Maknae! Why did you return the picture?

Kyuhyun: She is worried, Hyung!

Yesung: I was suppose to-

Kyuhyun grab his collar shirt

Kyuhyun: Why did you took it from her room, it was your idea....pabo

Yesung: I'm not an idiot! was not my idea

Kyuhyun: Sungminnie told me that it was your own idea!

Yesung: (Gasp)

Kyuhyun punch his face

Yesung: Ahh!

Kyuhyun let go of him

Yesung: ........Grr

Kyuhyun: Merciless pabo.......

Yesung: I'm not! you stay away from her!

Yesung kick his chest

Kyuhyun fell on the ground

Yesung: (let out his fangs) Grr.....

Kyuhyun: Hehe....she's with me now....hyung.....she will never like you....i will tell her that you killed her first crush if you date her....or touch her

Yesung: Why you...grrr

Kyuhyun: (Stood up)

Yesung quickly punch his chest and kick his face.

Kyuhyun: Aggh!

Kyuhyun fell on the ground.

Ryeowook came.

Ryeowook: Stop fighting you two!

Kyuhyun: He hurt me first!

Ryeowook: Yesung... don't hurt him.

Yesung: He took Maria away from me!

Ryeowook: I'll tell leeteuk about want that

Yesung: ...................

Ryeowook: Stop fighting and go to your room, both of you

Yesung: .......

Yesung sped up and left

Kyuhyun: (Stood up)

Ryeowook: bad boy.

Kyuhyun: What?

Ryeowook: You better clean this living room as a punished for getting Maria away from Yesung

Kyuhyun: Grr......fine i'll do it...

The next day.

At the morning around 11:30 a.m.

At dorm.

At living room.

Maria: ..........................

Kyuhyun came.

Kyuhyun: Hiya Maria.

Maria: Oppa...

Maria stood up from her seat.

Kyuhyun: (Slowly kiss her forehead but Yesung came)

Yesung: ..............

Kyuhyun stop the kiss and look at him

Maria look at him

My Vampire Idols(Super Junior Fanfiction)(Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt