Chapter 17

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Kyuhyun: with me....

Kyuhyun slowly push her to the wall and pin her

Maria: (Gasp)......Kyu....

Kyuhyun: Are you sure Yesung is not an idiot...

Maria: He's not..why.

Kyuhyun: ..Did you miss something in your room.

Maria: .....Ah......i have......that thing is really important to me

Kyuhyun: (Smirk)........Looking for this.?

Kyuhyun show her the picture and Maria got shocked and took the picture from him.

Maria: My...picture...where did you find it.....I was......looking for this

Kyuhyun: (whisper in her ear)..your boyfriend got it before you two get to know each other...sungmin got it first but sungmin told me it was his idea........

Maria: (Gasp)......before we...became couples......before he save me.....

Kyuhyun: I dunno........ask your boyfriend....

Maria: No.....i will .... (lowvoice)...not

Kyuhyun: ........Why not

Maria: He took my precious picture....i hate it.....

Kyuhyun hug her.

Maria: (Gasp)......

Kyuhyun: I'll take care of you from now on........

Maria: .......Kyu oppa...

Kyuhyun: This is the first time you call me that..

Maria: ................

Kyuhyun: (let go of her and kiss her forehead)

Maria: I...want to go home......please take me there...I'm shaking

Maria got shaking a little

Kyuhyun: I will......

At Maria's house.

Kyuhyun left.

Maria: ..........Yesung.........hmph

Maria went inside

The next day

At early morning around 6:00 a.m.

At Maria's room.

Riing ring

Maria: (woke up lazily and get her phone) Hm

Kyuhyun: Hey, are you trying to forget him..if you were...let's hang out.....reply me if you white rabbit hehe..sorry to wake you up..anything you want..just ask me :)

Maria: ...............

Maria Replied him back.

Maria: I'm sorry.....Yesung ........I'm not sure about this....should i forget you..

At night.

At Cafe

Maria: .........

Kyuhyun came and saw her.

Kyuhyun: Maria (sat on the chair)

Maria: I'm not yet sure...oppa

My Vampire Idols(Super Junior Fanfiction)(Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon