Chapter 14

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Yesung: Let's go the cafe...

Maria: (nod)

Yesung and Maria left.

Kyuhyun came.

Kyuhyun: ........He confessed.........hmph

At cafe.

Yesung: What do you want?

Maria: Just mooncake

Yesung left.

Riing ring

Maria: Him again...(reads the texts)....oh......

Maria look at yesung and stood up walking to the entrance and went out to look for Kyuhyun.

Outside of the cafe.

Maria: (sees him)

Kyuhyun: Hey, Maria..

Maria: What are you doing here.

Kyuhyun: To see you of course.

Maria: ....I'm having a date with Yesung......we can date some other times now..

Kyuhyun: You dating him always.......i like you....I'm telling the truth.

Maria: You like me...

Kyuhyun: Yeah...i like ya....give me a chance...

Maria: ....I'm

Kyuhyun: ...............

Maria: We can be friends.....Kyu...

Kyuhyun: .....Fine........friends........

Maria: Find another girl who is evil like you..hehe

Kyuhyun: ...

Maria: I'm going back..

Maria waved him and left.

Kyuhyun: Argh......i wish i could save her first....(let out his fangs) grr...

At cafe

Maria went back to seat.

Yesung came with a tray.

Yesung put the tray on the table.

Maria: My favorite.

Yesung: (Smile)

At Maria's house at front gate

Maria: Good night...oppa

Yesung: Good night.....Maria (smile)

Yesung gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and left.

Maria: (Smile)...oppa~

Three days later.

At night.

At dorm at Sungmin's room.

Sungmin: (staring at the picture.)

Yesung appears in front of him

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