The Enemy is a Power-Hungry Psychopath. What Are the Odds?

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Hello, Aru Shah fans! In this chapter, we'll be knowing more about the note that Boo revealed from Urvashi herself in her famed dance studio. I personally think that this chapter is weaker because it's mainly "story time", but we have to have more information about the background... but I think Chapter 3 will be a blast :) 

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-audy ♥ (@audydapotato_yt)


"Yup! Urvashi's dance studio in the Night Bazaar!" Boo chirped.

Brynne gagged. "Boo, is that your way of seeing Urvashi? A dance studio, of all places?" She spun the mace with one hand threateningly, but Boo ignored her. 

"Yes, the dance studio. Remember?" Boo snapped impatiently. 

Aru remembered her visit to the dance lessons with Urvashi. It was right before they found out the bow was stolen and the whole "meeting Brynne and Aiden stuff".

"How could I forget? Remember, Aru?!" Mini said excitingly, bouncing up and down gleefully. Aru rolled her eyes. 

"Obviously I remember. But Boo, it isn't even Friday! The dance studio won't be open. Where is Urvashi, anyways?" Aru asked. 

Kara cleared her throat. "Well... actually, she's usually at her studio around this time. It probably won't be open to the public, but I'm pretty sure you're an exception. Pandavas, her nephew, a Council member, sounds promising." 

"You think she will let you come? You're just the Sleeper's daughter!" Brynne snapped. Kara recoiled, hurt. 

"Brynne!" Aiden whispered-yelled, pulling Brynne back down, "Calm down. So, Boo, we go visit her at a dance studio?" 

"Obviously. Come on, if we leave now we'll have exactly 24 minutes to chat with her," Boo rolled his eyes, snatching another Oreo from Mini. 


"Hello? Urvashi?" Sheela called, waiting outside the door. 

A moment passed by before Brynne said, "You should try knocking." and promptly knocked on the door. No reply. 

Boo smacked his beak, swallowing the last of the Oreo. "Looks like she doesn't want to be bothered. Stand back, girls-" 

Boo didn't wait for Aiden's protests before Boo flew up the window and slipped inside by the crack. "Did he just ghost us?" Aru asked, trying to look through the window, but she was too short. It was well over head-height and only Boo could've flown in. 

"I hope not. We'll just wa-"

Before Aiden could finish his sentence, the doors snapped open. There stood Urvashi, in her traditional clothes, with Boo, who was flying right behind her. 

Right, Aru thought, Boo was trying to convince her to open the door. 

"Subala, here, says that you want to come in," she said, staring at the group of teenagers in front of her. Mini blushed.

"Your- Urvashi, we wanted to ques- I mean, ask you about this," Nikita stammered, passing her the folded note that Boo had tucked into her pocket. Urvashi darkened as she scanned through the note, frowning. 

"Did you know about this?" Aru asked, rocking on her heels. 

Urvashi looked up. "Oh, come in. I have tea," she groaned, opening the door wide enough so they could slip in. Boo immediately flew onto Mini's shoulder happily. 

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