"No they literally argue 24/7"I say quietly to Johnny who nods softly and laughing as well.

"Elanora honey guess what"Emma says as I turn around.I look at her weird as she's beaming with excitement.

"Yes Emma"I ask questionably

"We're going dress shopping"she mutters loudly,earning a low groan from me.

"You don't like shopping"Johnny asks quietly,I nod my head boringly.I hate shopping it's annoying.

"Are you excited because I am"Emma spats excitedly,I nod my head approvingly.

"Ohh and guys remember to grab your suit, I don't want a repeat from last year"Papa mutters sternly to all my brothers.

We continue having a morning breakfast.
We laugh ,talk and enjoy as a big family.

I walk back to my room and see Esteban still laying there.Luck bitch I want to sleep as well.

"Elanora"I groan internally as I hear Emma's voice boom the walls .I get up from my couch exiting the door to Emma who's outside my door.

"Let's go"I say

"Let's go honey I have so many dresses for you"she bombers .I just nod not really wanting to listen to her ranting about clothes.

We walk to the garage,as she already has one of the drivers driving us there.I open the door and go in as she comes in after.

We drive in a peaceful silence for a while but I have no clue where we're going.

"Emma where are we going"I ask glancing at her

"We're going to one of my friends shes a designer for clothes"she says happily,I almost roll my eyes but that's rude so I groan internally .

We drive for a couple minutes till we hit downtown,we park outside the mall.I open the door waiting for Emma to get out as well.We see some guards go behind us ,gosh they are sometimes annoying.

We start walking to the big entrance to the mall.We walk in the mall which is packed by people,everyone stops what there doing when they see Emma and me.Oooh what's going on,I look at Emma in confusion and see she's glaring at everybody who's looking at our direction.

I follow Emma as she starts moving towards a shop in the front,I follow her closely.We walk in ,I jump when I hear a high pitches scream from inside the shop.I look up front and see some middle aged woman hugging Emma.Ohh this must be the designer

"Ohh Emma how much I missed you"she squeals making my ears twitch.I stand there probably looking crazy waiting for them to finish.Well this is kinda awkward.I turn to look around and see the guards outside the door .I jump when I feel hands bring me to there chest.

"Is this her she's a beauty"the strange woman squeals,I cringe slightly.She let's me go and she examines me up and down.I squirm under her eyes,she making me a little nervous.

"Wow I have the perfect dresses for you"she says glancing at Emma.Emma claps her hand happily.

"Wow ,your gonna be the eye of the ball ,look at your curves"she says grabbing my hips ,and measuring them with some measuring tape.I extend my hands up as she measures my whole body .Its not bad actually I'm just listening them gossip about the other moms and there designer's.

"Ohh no I heard shes wasting millions just for her dress poor Milton"Emma mutters at the woman who gasps.

"Millions"she says confusion lacing her voice.

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