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Elanoras POV:

"Elanora honey we need to talk"Papa says coming into the room with my brothers who look mad and slightly hurt.Oh no what did I do now.
I see they all look slightly hurt .I always seem to be hurting the people i love.

"Principessa open up to us tell us everything "Matheo says his eyes begging me to open up.I slightly feel Lucas tense beside me.I feel slight guilt bubble up inside me.

"Fine you wanna know everything" I say meeting Matheos gaze he nods in response .

"What do you wanna know"I say slightly nervous as they all tense at the question.

"The tape October 26,2014"Papa mutters curiosity in his icy eyes.

I close my eyes as I remember the date .Images sworm my mind.That horrible date that haunts me in my nights.The worst day of my life.Ive never told anyone this not even Lucas who knows everything about me.But I couldn't tell him that there was a tape of my raping.How do you tell someone that.I try hard not to relive that horrible night.But I said try .

Flashback of after she was knocked out when they raped her:

"Owww please stop" I say to the stranger who then proceeded to turn on a camera.No noooo no please don't.He waves at the camera making sure it's on .
"Are you ready my kitten"he says smiling wickedly.I cry out as he rapes ,me my lower region burning ,blood spilling out of my thighs.
"Ahh kitten now I have a memory with you"
He says taking the camera in his hands .He puts his clothes back on and leaves like he didn't just rape me.I remember his ugly face ,his jawline,his ugly lips,his brown hair ,and his brown orbs that I know will haunt me for the rest of my life.
I pass out due to the injuries i with held when he raped me.

End of flashback

I sit there wide eyed my eyes began to water.Tears falling effortlessly down my cheeks.How do they know that.I only know that .Ohh god what if they saw the tape,they probably feel disgusted by me.I feel anger bubble inside me.I can't but feel rage inside me.

This is why we stopped checking for monsters under our beds when we realized there inside us.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT"I say tears falling a down my cheeks.Snobs filling my nostrils as my face turns red .

They look away suddenly.I try standing up from my sitting position.

My voice breaks as Lucas holds me back .I try to get up again and again only for Lucas to hold me down as tears slipped my eyes effortlessly.Heavy sobs filling the silent room.

"TELL....M..MEEE"I say trying to get out of Lucas iron grip hold.It hurts to think of it of my past .Of my horrible demons that haunt me.It hurts.
I finally stop thrashing around Lucas hold.I sit in the edge as I clutch myself in a bubble.I clutch the roots of my hair hard.The memories I'm trying to forget swirl around my mind constantly .Never leaving any detail out.

I look up from my bubble and see everyones teared eyes.I let my honey colored eyes meet papas gaze.

"How do you know that tell me pl..pleaseee"I say brokenly my heart breaks as I can't imagine him seeing the tape .

"Pl...please papaaa..dime"(tell me),I say softly

"papà ho bisogno di sapere per favore"(papa I need to know please),I say
He doesn't respond he just looks at me .

"Papa please tell me I need to know it hurts papa it hurts"I say looking at him .My eyes begging for help

"fa male papà(it hurts papa) i say in Italian hoping they'd understand me

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