" what are we gonna do? What if they do something to her?" boruto asked.

" sasuke, can you try to go to the old base? Maybe there is a clue there to where they are."

" alright."

( back with hinako)

" kawaki..."

" who the hell are you as- hinako? Jigen, what is she doing here?"

" we have some unfinished business with our dear hinako here... you can talk to her for a while before we erase her memories."

"... what?!" the two kids yelled.

" h-hey you can't erase my memories, ttebane'! They are all precious to me!"

" too bad. "

Jigen and his men then left the room.

" k-kawaki..."

" why did you let yourself get caught again?! "

" I- I didn't know!"

" were you crying?"


" you- *sigh..* okay. So now that you're here, we can't do anything. How have you been holding up?"

" except for feeling left out and stressed because of the pressures my cursed mark, I'm doing fine.. how bout you?"


" mk... You know... you've grown taller. your also three years older than me."

" and? what are you implying?"

" * chuckles * it's nothing. It's just that...I've finally got to see you after so many years and here I am, going to have my memories all erased in a while..."

" will you forget me?"

"....I hope not.. "

" say, you told me you had a twin right?"

" hm. I... I'm not in the mood to talk about him. Man, I'm so childish! He just left me in the dark and went to defeat deepa with our team, and then not inviting me to play with them..."

" Is that why you cried? really?" he deadpanned.

" shut up! deepa gave me really painful injuries like having a tree branch pierced through my stomach! Of course I want to give him a piece of my mind! But... now he's dead I can't do anything about it."

" damn. must have hurt. I mean having something poercing through my stomach isn't the brightest idea."


" hahahahaha..."the two laughed together.

" I haven't laughed like this for a long time" kawaki said.

" me neither" hinako said smiling.

" times up, now come with us hinako."

" how? I can't move blockhead." she snapped.

" kawaki carry her."

" huh? why me?"

" just do it."

" fine..." kawaki lifted up the chair by the back of it and brought it to where ever the memories will be erased.

" I have a feeling that this will be painful. Anyways... bye kawaki! I hope I remember you"

" yeah. You better do."








" so?" kawaki asked.

" she's fine. She'll wake up in a day or so."

" tch..."

' you better not forget me hinako..'

( with boruto)

"- and then she just disappeared!" boruto explained to his friends about hinako's disappearence.

" that's horrible...." cho cho said.

"yeah! plus her-AAARGHH! MY HEAD!!" boruto clutched onto his head as it hurts really bad.

" boruto!" his friends yelled worriedly.

" AAAARRRGHHH!! WHAT IS GOING ON!! ARGH!" a few seconds later, the pain mysteriously stopped and boruto passed out.

" hey! boruto! "

" could it be... that he's feeling hinako's pain? sometimes me and sarada are like that too.."

" man.... twins are such a drag....but what caused her to feel that much pain? what exactly are they doing to her?"

( the next day....)

"boruto! your awake!" hinata said relieved.

" kaa-san.... wait, is something wrong with me?"

" no, sakura said that there's nothing wrong with you. Does your head still hurt?"

" no... kaa-san... do you think that.... the pain is coming from hinako?"

" there c-could be a ch-chance..." hinata slowly burst into tears.


" what are they doing to my baby girl? who are they exactly?!"

' hinako....'

( with hinako...)

" your awake."

hinako's eyes slowly open to see a black haired boy with blonde on the side. Does she know him?

" h-heh...ano....who are you....mr?"

" guess you don't remember me huh.... welp, the names kawaki."

" i'm- i'm.... I don't remember who I am..."

"*sigh* Your name is hinako."

" hinako? that's a nice name. I wonder who named me."

" don't ask me."

" do we know each other? kawaki-san?"

" we do. But you lost your memories so we have to start over. The way we met at first wasn't the best either "

" did we get into a fight?"

" it's complicated."

" s-so...are we....f-friends?"

" yeah. We are."

" okay then.."

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