"Oh Ryujin-ah come and sit here" Felix offered a seat beside him

We started to eat when Jaemin came. I didn't bother to look at him cause I can feel his stare at me. I remained silent while all of them are enjoying the food

"Ryujin-ah your hoodie is kinda familiar" Jeno suddenly said


"Yeah I think I already saw it before," he said while thinking where he saw it

"I received it on my 17th birthday, I don't know who gave it but I used to wear it a lot. It's like my lucky charm" I honestly said which makes them amazed

"For sure it's from your secret admirer, I heard from Hyunjin that you have a lot of secret admirers since your trainee," Haechan said

I immediately gave Hyunjin a side punch under the table which makes him laugh

"Not really," I said

"She's a liar. She always received a lot of gifts from male trainees back then but we're the ones who's enjoying them because she's always throwing it on the garbage can" Bangchan-Hyung added

I sighed heavily as they started to talk about my life. I suddenly felt his gaze again but I just ignored it

"She's boyish that's why she's close to us, she even calls me Hyung instead of Oppa because she said it's too cringe for her"

They started laughing as they heard stories about us until we decided to wrap up and go home

"Do you want us to gave you a ride?" Jeno offered but Bangchan-Hyung declined because he still needs to stop by at the JYP building

"You can give a ride to Ryujin since we have different directions of dorms"

"No it's okay I can handle myself" I immediately declined

"I don't think so" Jaemin whispered but loud enough for me to hear it

"Ryujin-ah just accept their offer," Felix said

"Or do you want me to drop you off at your dorm that's why you're not accepting their offer" Hyunjin tease me

I rolled my eyes at him before I decided to accept their offer then we said our goodbyes to each other. The rest of NCT members decided to go home too except Jeno, Haechan, and Jaemin

"Jaemin-ah take care of Ryujin, Jaehyun Hyung wants to meet us" Jeno immediately grab Haechan's arms even if he wanted to stay


"Go and get inside the car" Jaemin coldly said

"You don't need to drive for me I can go home on my----"

"Can't you just go and get inside the car?" He irritatingly said before starting the engine

I was about to enter the back seat but it's locked. I look at him irritatingly then he pointed out the bags in the back seat. I have no choice but to sit at the passenger seat

I told him the address then he started to drive. It's so quiet so he decided to play a music

Now Playing~ The Way I Still Love You

Do you still think about me, baby? (baby)
Cause you're on my mind and it's driving me crazy (crazy)
Are you finally over me you can tell me the truth or do you still love me the way that I still love you

He started to sing the last part which makes my heart beats so fast. I can feel his gaze at me in the mirror which makes me feel uneasy. I can't stay like this any longer so I decided to sleep

I don't know how long I slept but Jaemin woke me up and we're now here in my dorm. I noticed that there's a jacket that covered me. I don't know if Jaemin wrapped this on me or I did it by myself unknowingly

"Thanks for the ride" instead of replying he just stares at me while stopping himself from smiling. I don't know what's wrong with him but he's weird

He didn't say a word but he waited for me to completely enter our dorm. I'm watching him in the lobby until he leaves

It's been so long since the last time I get too close to him like that. I wonder what he feels being in the same car with the person that he hates. But it doesn't matter to me anymore since the feeling is mutual

I quietly entered our dorm and heard the members in the living room

"I'm so tired" I sighed heavily

All the members are staring at my face and started to laugh so hard. I confusedly looked at them and started to laugh too even though I don't know why they're laughing

"Unnie look at your face," Yuna said while laughing so hard. I immediately go to the bathroom to check my face and I almost cursed when I saw some drawings on my face

Na Jaemin!

Author's Note: Please excuse grammatical errors

Never Again (Completed) HaeRyuJaem Series #1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt