Of course everyone was worried, but when Nya read the message she said he was fine. The others did not believe that he just would never not return to them of his own accord. The ninja didn't care what the message was they believed Kai was in trouble and got capture so they got on their own dragons and left Ninjago. Flame was not happy to take them, but they got the others to have her take them to this land of Vikings ending in their own capture. So what was meant to be his rescue mission turned into him having to rescue them.

Jay wipes his tear stained face on Zane's shirt. "If the twins won't tell us the real Viking courting then who will?" Jay asks Zane who had more tears making their way up because he hated having no idea.


The pair looked up prompting Shard and Wisp to lower their wings a little so they could see outside. Standing their was Fish-legs who looked very awkward and was not exactly looking at them.

"What do you want? I thought you hated us and don't you have a stupid celebration going on?" Jay asks wiping his tears on Wisp's wing.

"Well Snot-lout kind of kicked me out for being a 'party pooper' and I did not want to be around Astrid in a grumpy mood so I came too check on Meat-lug and heard crying," Fish-legs explains and the entire time he sounded embarrassed for it.

"We're fine," Zane lies wiping away his tears and pulling Jay closer to him for some comfort cuddles. Fish-legs looks at the two who he could tell were not fine even in the darkness. He also knew what the twins had been doing the entire time because the two had joked about it at the feast before Snot-loud ordered him away. While the gronkle loving Viking did not exactly agree with their form of love he still did find that was cruel, even for the twins, to mess with the two like that.

Sucking in his pride along with a deep breath he says. "The courting ritual for Berk is that you need to present a meaningful gift to who you wish to court. Something that signifies your love for them, and if it's accepted than hooray for you all then," Once he was done talking turns around not looking at their reactions. When he began walking away he heard a soft "thank you," from one of them, but he did not make a move to acknowledge them only going over to Meat-lug already sleeping.

Fish-legs did not agree, or was comfortable, with what they were doing but still, they seemed decent enough and he knows that he can't just stand by and watch as they were in pain. He also heard their conversation too and he had to hand it too them that they didn't just blame someone else for their problems like most Vikings. So while he doesn't exactly like them he respects their morals at least.

At the very least the advice he gave might score him some points to study their dragons.

With the other group

Everyone, except Dagger, quickly got over Kai suddenly having a dragon he could summon out of thin air.

Cole figured since it was something Lloyd could do it stands that the rest of them could do it, but the reason they never tried was because of his green ninja status.

Hiccup was fascinated and would not stop talking to Kai about it and totally fanboying over it making Tooth-less a little jealous.

Ember was also a little jealous so she made sure to be extra cute with Kai by cuddling him around his neck.

Heather was just keeping her eyes straight ahead quietly seething which prompted her brother to keep his mouth shut despite all of his burning questions.

"There is nothing like this in any of our legends. It's amazing like you have the soul of a dragon," Hiccup said touching the scales and finding they filled him with a comforting warmth. "If anyone has the soul of a dragon it's you bro," Kai said.

A Viking Chief's twinsWhere stories live. Discover now