Chapter 12 - An Unexpected Romance

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(( what have created what is this emoji thing 👶💦help))

Zenitsu P.O.V

((first person))

i lay down in the middle of the sitting room. Tanjiro has been gone all day, Tomioka is visiting rengoku, nezuko is cooking, and I'm stuck here with my fricking crush, inosuke.

Why did I have to get feelings for this guy... I wondered as he yelled and head-butted the stone walls. It's why we made our house out of stone instead of wood.

"MONITSU!" "WHAT IS IT PIG" "IM NOT A PIG!" "ISNT A BOAR A PIG, STUPID?" "FIGHT ME!" I sighed as the screamfest ended. I was almost certain this thick head had no feelings for me. He walked into the room with his shirt off and I hurried my head into the carpet so I couldn't see his perfectly toned muscles and rock-hard abs that I drooled over at night.

What the hell, I'm such a creep... I sighed. It couldn't really be helped. I thought of asking Tanjiro or Tomioka for help. Yeah...I'll do that.

Inosuke plopped down onto my back, knocking the wind out of me. "WHAT THE HELL BOARHEAD, GET OFF OF ME!" "NO!" He yelled back stubbornly, and I wondered how I could possibly get this stubborn pile of bricks off of me, when he sighed and lay down on top of me- like, snuggling me and fuckin hell! Nonononoonononononononono shut the fuck up simp instincts shut shut shut-

But it was too late. I was already having thoughts like HOLY SHIT HES SO CUTE and CAN I JUST TURN AROUND AND CUDDLE HIM? WOULD HE THINK THATS WIERD? My luck got better though, because just then Tomioka came back from his visit to rengoku-sans house and stared at me and inosuke on the floor.

I gave him a silent pleading please help me look and he gently took the sleeping inosuke off of me and placed him on the couch. I heaved, finally able to breathe again. "Thank you giyuu... Uh, can I talk to you about something?" "Sure, what is it?"

"Well...uh you see, I have a crush on inosuke" I explained,"but you know...he's stupid and probably doesn't even know what love is..." Giyuu gave me a reassuring headpat. "Don't worry, you can use that to your advantage. If he does have feelings for you and doesn't really know it, that means he doesn't know how to conceal his blush or act cool when your around.

"He'll freeze, stare at you, or zone out when your around. He might even get jealous when you do your 'nezuko-chan' thing." Giyuu smiled at me softly. I started to cry and I hugged him.

"YOUR SO HELPFULL, GIYUU!" I cried into his nagagi. The obi made it uncomfortable, but whatever. He patted my head and u pulled away, sniffing and wiping at my eyes. "I should go help nezuko cook, it looked like she was making simmered salmon with Daikon..." Tomioka wandered out of the sitting room dreamily.

I sighed, and of course, right then, inosuke woke up. I pretended to watch the sunset. I became conscious of him staring at me.

Then, he actually said:"why can't I stop staring at you, monitsu?" I froze and looked up at him. He was laying on his stomach, head propped up on his hands, feet in the air. Why the fuck is he so cute? Ugh, shut up you simp zenitsu scolded himself, and then answered "ask Tanjiro." If he asks Tanjiro and tanjiro diagnoses him with "you have a crush on zenitsu", then if I ask inosuke he'll tell me what Tanjiro said...and if it's really true-

Zenitsu had been engulfed in his thoughts and he just now realized: inosuke was gone. Hopefully, he had gone to ask Tanjiro...

Inosuke's P.O.V

Monitsu. Well then, I guess I had no choice but to ask gonpachiro. Outside of my castle, the peasents walked around, and I decided to use spatial awareness to find the damn kamaboko. But then-

Someone bumped into me. "WHO DARE-" I started yelling, but then I realised it was only granjiro, just the minion I was looking for. "MONJIRO! THE GREAT INOSUKE HAS A QUESTION FOR YOU!" I shouted at him, and he winced. "Ok, ok inosuke, please don't yell in my ear-" "I can't stop staring at monitsu and when I asked him why he said to ask you." I interrupted him. He gaped at me.

"You- you-" he stuttered. "What is it? Get it out." I prodded. "You...have a crush on zenitsu?"


"It's when you love someone romantically" Gonpachiro said to me. "Like me and tomioka's relationship." I was silent, not understanding. Gonpachiro sighed again. "Like- you want to mate him."

"AH! WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY SO!" I ran back inside, but kamaboko stopped me. "Inosuke! You can't tell him that you love him until you get some signs he loves you back!"

"But who WOULDN'T want to mate ME?" I insisted.

"This isn't as simple as mating, you have to consider his feelings, too. Like, if he even likes being around you. Cuz he can reject you, you know" granjiro explained fervently," he can say he doesn't like you back and he won't become your- ah- mate.

"So if you have any urges or impulses, like to be more gentle to him or to hug him, do it. And every once in a while, take him out somewhere. If one day he tells you he loves you then uh, that means he wants to become your mate. If your feeling stuck or out of ideas you should ask me, or Tomioka, or nezuko."

Granjiro panted, because of all the words he just spilled out. I nodded, understanding. granjiro smiled at me, and then the female kamaboko called "supper's ready!"

The orange, pink, and red sunset streamed through the windows.

((Sorry for any incorrect grammar once again))

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