Extension To Chapter five

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((this is the part that I had to cut off last chapter but here it is!))
((Third person))
Tomioka's P.O.V.

Douma immediately, quick as a flash, took a step back from Tomioka, putting his hands behind his back and smiling down at him. Tanjiro smiled, carrying a dead human in his arms. A woman, whose face was chubby- and she had short hair with neatly cut bangs. Her hair was dirty blonde and her wide-open eyes were turquoise.

Tomioka looked at her sadly. he felt helpless. he had the chance to kill all these demons... he could probably manipulate tanjiro and make him bring Tomioka to his sword. but Tomioka quickly brushed that thought aside. he couldn't hurt tanjiro like that. "ah, Douma-san, you were talking to Tomioka?"

"yes! we were having a lively little chat!" nezuko rolled her eyes. "I must be going now, the master has a mission for me." he swept out of the room hastily. it was obviously a lie, not even a demon as powerful as Douma could take the bright shining sun called tanjiro. tanjiro did seem much happier and brighter now that he was "home", though. tanjiro walked in, closing the door behind him, and sat down. nezuko sat down next to him as they started to feed.

Tomioka sat down, his back to them. he heard the tearing sounds of flesh, the crunching, and snapping of bones. after a while, it stopped, and there was a content sigh that sounded like it was coming from tanjiro. "Tomioka, are you hungry?" he turned around to see nezuko holding a large bag that looked like it might be full of something like grapes. only then did he realize how tired and hungry he was. he nodded and crawled over to her, taking the bag from her.

"Arigatou," he said as he opened it to see cherries. he took the cherries one by one, delicately taking off the stem, and popped them into his mouth. nezuko and tanjiro watched him eat. 1/3 of the bag was done when he decided he was full. he closed it and handed it back to nezuko, who smiled, stood up, and walked out. that was tanjiro's cue to stand up. "come on Tomioka, you must be tired!"

tanjiro walked over to Tomioka and extended a hand out to him, which Tomioka took, and tanjiro helped him up. we must be going to the place I'm going to sleep...I wonder if there will be any demons guarding me? Tomioka thought, but any thought was soon thrown out of his mind as he stared at the back of tanjiro's head, the beautiful mahogany hair. he wanted to run his hands through it.... it looked so soft and fluffy... beautiful... Tomioka was snapped out of his daydreaming when they walked into a room with one big bed on the floor, more than enough for two people. Tomioka blushed. why would there be that big of a bed for one person?

ah, tanjiro was just generous. yeah, that's it. "this is where we'll be sleeping!" tanjiro turned and smiled at Tomioka. we'll? Tomioka hoped his face wasn't as red as it felt. tanjiro picked up one of two white kimono on the ground and handed it to Tomioka. he then went back to the other side of the room. "don't worry, I won't peek" tanjiro chuckled and started to take off his haori. Tomioka blushed and turned around, taking off his haori as well. when he had changed into the loose white kimono, he turned around to see tanjiro was sitting on the floor with his back to Tomioka.

tanjiro turned around. "ah, you're done?" Tomioka nodded, and tanjiro crawled over to the bed, sighing into the pillow on his side. Tomioka sat down on the bed and pulled the sheet up over him and tanjiro. as Tomioka lay down next to tanjiro, tanjiro smiled at him. Tomioka turned his head to the right to look at tanjiro, but before he could say anything, he realized tanjiro was asleep. Tomioka sighed. what was going to happen to him? having a crush on a demon wouldn't be taken lightly, especially in the demon-slaying industry. Tomioka decided to let it go for now. because right now, he was trapped in a place of infinity. where he was surrounded by terrifyingly strong demons. with no way to defend himself except for tanjiro. on that thought, Tomioka drifted into a deep sleep.


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