"Restore his memories. I want him to be a Legend too. Especially since he and Nate were such close friends." Zari said and Sara smiled.

"I was hoping you'd say that. J'onn." Sara said and the martian nodded as he restored Behrad's memories as well.

"Okay, tell me again why we're not stopping in 2039 to pick up Nora Darhk?" Sara asked Rip, who'd told Gideon to take back to 2012.

"Because right now Nora Darhk is unfortunately possessed by Mallus, which means that if we restored her memories, we'd risk restoring his as well. We need to wait until after we have John Constantine to help separate the two." Rip said.

"But how would Mallus even have gained a foothold in the universe yet, since we haven't broken time." Sara said.

"True, but as I also said, time wants to happen and I guess that time still wants the Legends to fight the time demon, especially since you want to open his prison anyways." Rip said.

"Fair enough." Sara said, since she knew that most of the monsters in that prison weren't actually monsters. They were just creatures who were misunderstood that didn't deserve to be locked away.

"We need to be sure to separate Mallus's connection from her, otherwise we'd end up giving him direct access to the Legends." Rip said and Sara nodded in understanding.

"I mean, we'll still likely need to deal with him eventually, I'd rather not have to do it while he's possessing a friend, though there is one small silver lining about finding out that Nora is with the order." Sara said.

"And what might that be?" Rip asked, though he was fairly certain he knew.

"It means that Ollie is going to be successful in killing Darhk again. Preferably without Laurel dying." Sara said and Rip nodded his agreement, since one of his biggest regrets was allowing his obsession with catching Mallus to cause him to allow Darhk to return.

"And I promise this time I'll do everything I can to help you make sure he stays dead this time." Rip said.

"Good, because otherwise you'll take his place in the ground. You know the only reason I didn't kill you for what happened in Victorian London is because you were more useful to me alive right." Sara said.

"I am aware. Now can we please go get the rest of our team. I think Mr. J'onzz would prefer to return to his." Rip said.

"You're right about that." J'onn said as he, Ava, Zari and Behrad entered the bridge, since J'onn and Ava had been helping Zari and Behrad get settled in.

"So, what line did you use on your parents?" Sara asked.

"I didn't say anything, since I can't go anywhere near them without them calling the cops. Thanks again for giving me a way out." Zari said with a smile, since she'd clearly passed the fabricator and had used it to give herself some more fashionable and comfortable duds than what she'd been wearing when she'd been recruited.

"Okay, back to 2012. We're going to be picking up Ray, Nate, (Sara noticed Zari's smile at that), Mick, Snart, Constantine and Wally." Sara said.

"I did not think that you would be recruiting him, since he doesn't have his speed yet." Rip said.

"Even so and even if he doesn't join the team, at least J'onn can restore his memories." Sara said and Rip nodded.

After returning to 2012, Sara began recruiting the rest of the Legends rather easily, since once they'd gotten the brain dump, Ray, Nate, Mick, Snart and Constantine were all willing to join the team again, though Sara was a little surprised and skeptical about how willing John was to join the team and made her remember to find out if he was running from a demon, again.

Anyways, she was now in Keystone, looking for the last member of the Legends and she found herself at a drag race and shook her head at how Wally was now. It was hard to believe that this was the same guy who Rip had found in a budhist monastery.

Anyways, she arrived right as Wally's last race ended and made her way to up him.

"Mr. West, can I have a word with you?" Sara asked, making sure to use an extra flirty voice that she knew would get Wally to melt like butter in her arms, since before the League, she'd been one those mindless groupies, so luckily, she still remembered how to act.

"Yeah sure. Want to congratulate the winner?" Wally asked cockily as Sara led him away from everyone else to where a black man was waiting for them.

"Okay, what's going on?" Wally asked.

"You'll know in a second." J'onn said as he restored Wally's memories.

"Please don't tell Ava I flirted with you." was the first thing Wally said after he recovered.

"My lips are sealed." Sara said.

"Sara, I appreciate the mind dump, I really do, since now I can get my life back on track, but you know I'm not joining the team quite yet." Wally said.

"I was hoping you would." Sara said.

"Sara, I don't have my powers right now and even if I did, I wouldn't be coming with you. Not yet anyways. I need to go to Central City." Wally said and Sara nodded.

"Good. You're putting family first Wally, like you should be, but just remember that the Legends, we're your family too." Sara said.

"I know and when I'm ready, I'll come running." Wally promised her.

"You better. Or I'm coming for you." Sara said.

"Any chance that you guys could give me a lift to Central City?" Wally asked.

"Since it's on the way to National City, yes. Come on." Sara said with a grin as the three of them headed towards the ship.

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