47. Betrayal?

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There was no sign of Annaliese when Melissa woke up. She vaguely remembered arriving here last night. She remembered Annaliese telling her Seb would collect her when he got back. But she was still here. Where was Seb? Why hadn't he come for her?

She got out of the bed and slipped her shoes back on. She ran her fingers through her hair, trying to make it look somewhat presentable. She grabbed her phone, noticing the soppy text Seb had sent last night. She smiled, her heart full of love for her man.

She left the room and headed up in the elevator to the 8th floor. She let herself in. She noticed Seb was sat on the sofa. He must have a hangover, he looked rough.

"Hi babe, I'm so sorry I never made it back. I Had a few too many, stayed round Annaliese's." He didn't answer her. "Seb, darling, what's up?"

He looked at her and she could see the tears in eyes. "Seb, what's happened? What is it?" she asked him, worried.

"You really have to ask?" he said, bitterly. She felt confused. It was then she noticed his packed case.

"Seb, please tell me, what's going on? Where are you going?" She started to panic. Why was he acting like this?

"Annaliese came to see me this morning."

"I wondered where she had gone. "

"She came here to inform me I am dating a cheating little whore." Melissa felt sick. What the fuck was Seb on about? Why would Annaliese say that?

"Well, she's lying. You know I love you, You know I would never do that Seb." She put her hand on his arm.

"Get the fuck off of me, " he growled, yanking his arm away from her.

"Seb," she pleaded. "Please, I wouldn't do that."

"You can stop lying Melissa. She had proof. I saw the pictures of you kissing Van Der Loew. He was half naked! If Annaliese hadnt stopped you, you'd have had him there and then."

"No,"she whispered. This couldn't be happening. She knew she'd had a lot to drink but there is no way she would have cheated on Seb. She loved him far too much for that. And with Van Der Loew? The man repulsed her. "Seb please, listen to me. It never happened, I don't care if there were photos. They've set this up somehow. It's Annaliese, you know she wants you."

"Well maybe I should have fucked her instead of you. At least I know what she is. I thought I knew you but I couldn't have been more wrong." He stood up and grabbed his case.

"Seb, please don't go, don't leave me. I love you," she cried, tears streaming down her face.

"We're over Melissa. Done. I trusted you, I loved you and you threw it all back at me. I want you the fuck out of my life. I don't want to see you or speak to you ever again. You're nothing but a cheating whore." Melissa grabbed his arm.

"Seb please, you're making a mistake."

"Don't fucking touch me ever again. I'm flying out this evening. I'll go to Britta's room till then. I can't stand the sight of you. It's pathetic watching you lie through your teeth to me. I have eyes. I saw the photos."

He yanked the door open and stormed off down the corridor, dragging his case behind him.


Joel was acting the fool as usual. He was trying to balance a spoon on his chin. His phone rang and startled him, causing the spoon to fall onto the table. He saw it was Melissa calling.

"Yo chick, I was just thinking of you. Meet for dinner? I feel like I havent seen much of you lately."

He heard Melissa start sobbing down the phone. He couldn't understand a word she was trying to say. "Melissa calm down." Ollie looked at him, concerned. "Where are you? Are you at Seb's? I'll be straight there." He jumped up. "Ollie I gotta go. There's something wrong, it's Melissa."

Out Of The Blue (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now