6. Testing Times (1)

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Melissa flopped down onto the bed, relieved to finally be there. Sophie did the same on the identical bed next to it.

After weeks of hard work they had finally arrived in Barcelona for pre-season testing. They had just arrived at the hotel. Joel and Matt were sharing a room next door.

"This feels like I've never been away!" Melissa exclaimed.

Despite that feeling she also felt extremely nervous. She didn't know why she felt like that. She already felt at home with Aston Martin. She'd met most of the team already back at Silverstone, including driver Lance Stroll, who she was going to be working with as Press Officer. They'd got on very well right from the start, and although Lance was very reticent around the media Melissa already had a few ideas to help him feel more relaxed. She had also met his trainer, Annaliese, and agreed 100% with her friends' opinions of her. She was a vain, snobby, narcissistic nightmare! Yet she could see Lance adored her for some unknown reason. She really hoped his unrequited feelings wouldn't become a problem.

As she thought of the people she'd already met, her mind turned to one of the people she hadn't met and it was then that she realised why she was so nervous. Sebastian Vettel.

She hadn't as yet met Seb in person. She'd been unable to attend the launch of the AMR21 due to a nasty bout of food poisoning. And their paths hadn't crossed at the factory even though she knew he'd been there.

She felt butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought of the blue eyed German driver. She really hoped she didn't make a fool out of herself when she finally did meet him, like get tongue tied or say something dumb. He was a four time world champion and she'd been a massive fan of his for basically all his Formula 1 career.

Maybe tonight would be the night, she thought to herself as she stood up off the bed to unpack her suitcase.

There was going to be a team dinner that evening in the hotel restaurant, so she figured she would probably meet him at some point. It was only mid afternoon at the moment so there was time to chill for a bit after unpacking. They'd had an early start to get to the airport and she was feeling very sleepy indeed. Sophie had also mentioned taking a nap.

Melissa picked her phone up off of the bedside table and quickly texted Lance to let him know she had arrived in case he needed anything. Then she laid back on the plump pillows and shut her eyes.


Annaliese Harrow was feeling sexy and confident. She had just arrived at the team hotel in Barcelona and was planning her next move in "Operation Sebastian". So far he had remained resistant to her charms, but he wouldn't for much longer. She had to have him.
And when Annaliese Harrow wanted something, Annaliese Harrow got it!

Lance was beginning to get on her nerves. He was acting like a lovesick school boy around her. She had been his trainer for about eighteen months now. She didn't like the job much at all but it paid well and, more importantly, it gave her access to the drivers.

The attention from Lance had been cute in the beginning, but she had made the mistake of sleeping with him after a drunken night in Austin the previous year, which had given him false hope. He was a nice kid but she had bigger fish to fry. Annaliese Harrow wasn't meant for mediocre, midfield drivers. She deserved a champion. She deserved Sebastian.

Of course she'd had a few dalliances with lesser drivers here and there. She'd had brief flings with Esteban Ocon and Max Verstappen during the previous season but even though the sex had been good she was aiming higher. Of course Max was a potential future champion but at the moment he was still just a boy, like Lance and Esteban, and she wanted a man.

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