12. A Date in the Desert

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Melissa and Joel couldn't control their laughter as they watched the replay of the podium celebrations. Daniel Ricciardo was doing his trademark shoey, and his unfortunate team mate, Lando, had been talked into doing one too.

The expression on Lando's face was priceless. He had doubled over gagging, trying his best to hold on to the contents of his stomach. Melissa was happy for the McLaren boys and their double podium. Obviously it would have been better if it had been the Aston Martin drivers, but Daniel and Lando were two of the most likeable guys in the paddock.

"Oh my, that brings back bad memories," Lance said, over their shoulders, screwing his nose up. Melissa remembered that Lance had had the bad luck of joining Daniel in doing a shoey before, she'd seen it on television. "It's really gross."

"Great result today Lance, that last lap was a belter," said Joel. Lance gave them the thumbs up and headed to his room to shower and change before heading to the media pen. 

"There is no way on God's earth anyone would ever get me doing that!" Joel said. "Think of all the sweat in that boot!"

"I'd rather not think of it," Melissa said, screwing her nose up. They started walking back to the motorhome. Melissa had to be ready and waiting for Lance when he'd changed.

"You out tonight Meliss?" Joel asked as they walked along the paddock. Melissa tensed up.  This wasn't going to go down well.  Joel had been hinting all weekend that she and Seb would make a lovely couple.

"Yeah, about that... I'm kind of otherwise occupied tonight," she told him.

"Oh my God, Seb finally got the balls to ask you out?" Melissa almost felt bad that she was going to ruin his happiness.

"Shhhh! No. Actually I'm going out to dinner with Nicholas."

"Nicholas? The only Nicholas I know is Nicholas Latifi. Shit, no way! You're going on a date with Nicky Latifi?" he shrieked.

"Shhh Joel, don't broadcast it to everyone. But yes, I am as a matter of fact. He's a lovely man, I'm looking forward to getting to know him better."

"Lovely yes, but does he give you fanny flutters like Seb does?" Melissa glared at him. Who did he think he was? He may be her best friend but her love life was her concern, not his! Joel either ignored her glare or didn't notice it.  "Seriously. What are you doing Melissa? You know there's serious chemistry between you and Seb. You don't even give him a chance. Yet you'll go out on a date with Latifi after only speaking to him a few times. Are you crazy?"

Seb picked that moment to pass them on the way to his room. He nodded a greeting to Joel and totally ignored the fact that Melissa was there. He walked straight by, Britta and Antti chasing after him. He looked pissed off, thought Melissa. Was it to do with narrowly missing out on a podium again? Or had he overheard hers and Joel's conversation? Melissa sighed. There was nothing she could do if he had.

"Come on Melissa, seriously. You've got to stop lying to yourself. You don't want Nicky Latifi. You want Seb and it terrifies you. That's why your going on a date with Nicky. You're trying to convince yourself that you don't want Seb."

"Joel, you're my best friend but stay out of my love life," she snapped at him. She then turned and stormed off. Joel sighed. He knew going out on a date with Nicky Latifi was a big mistake. She was in denial over her feelings for Seb. He wouldn't be surprised if Seb knew about the date. Something had obviously pissed him off enough for him to ignore Melissa. He wasn't the rude type of person. He just hoped Melissa got her act together, before it was too late.


Melissa exited the elevator. She was a few minutes late meeting Nicky. The lobby was very busy even at this hour. The race had been a night race so dinner was a bit later than usual. She spotted Nicky waiting by the reception desk. He looked very handsome in a blue short sleeved shirt and black trousers. His hair was still damp from the shower. He smiled as he saw her walking towards him.

"Hi Nicky, sorry I'm late."

"That's ok, not a problem. It's only a couple of minutes. I hadn't started panicking yet," he joked. "You look great by the way." Melissa smiled and thanked him. She hadn't really got any fancy clothes with her apart from the red dress she had worn in Melbourne, and she wasn't wearing that! Everytime she saw it hanging up she thought of Seb kissing her. So she was dressed casually in black  trousers and a smart floral top she had borrowed from Sophie.

"Shall we?" asked Nicky, holding his arm out for her. She smiled at him and linked her arm through his. Chatting away they headed out, not noticing the blonde German watching them from the other side of the lobby with a devastated look on his face.


Joel: Is she back yet Soph? X

Sophie: Not yet J, I'll let you know when she is x

Joel: Hope it doesn't go well. I totally ship her and Seb, just saying. Am I a shit best friend? X

Sophie: Totally shit ;) x

Joel: I don't mean it in a horrible way. Nicky's a nice bloke but I know Melissa. I just don't believe she likes him like that. She is trying to prove to herself she doesn't want Seb. X

Sophie: I get ya. And got to say I agree. No way has she got over her thing for Seb that quick.x

Joel: Just got to trust her judgement i guess.X

Sophie: She's coming. Text you later x

Melissa hoped that Sophie was asleep as she let herself into their room. No such luck. Her friend was sat up in bed, waiting for the gossip. Not that there was much to tell. She greeted her friend, went into the bathroom to get ready for bed and as she brushed her teeth she reflected back on the date.

Nicky had stared at her all night. It was a little off putting truth be told. It was so obvious that he was attracted to her and she'd found herself regretting agreeing to the date. Now if it had been Seb.... Stop it Melissa, she'd told herself. You have to be fair to Nicky. Give the man a chance. Stop thinking of Seb all the time. She'd smiled at Nicky and tried her best to put Seb out of her mind. She'd partly succeeded and she had enjoyed Nicky's company. Did she fancy him? She wasn't sure. She did find him very good looking, and he was one of the friendliest guys she had ever met. Did he give her goosebumps like Seb did? No. He was the safe option. Did she play it safe or take a risk? She thought about it a bit more. It wasn't fair on Nicky to lead him on. Maybe the best option was neither of them. Yes, that's what she would do. If Nicky asked her out again she'd politely decline. She didn't think she'd have any trouble from Seb, he seemed to be ignoring her anyway. Who needed a man? She had her friends, she had the best job she could have wished for. Life was good. She headed into the bedroom.

Sophie looked at Melissa questioningly as she got into bed.

"So..." she began.

"So what?" came the reply.

"How did it go?"

"I had a lovely time. Nicky was the perfect gentleman." That was true. He hadn't tried anything on.

"But are you going to see him again?" Melissa debated whether to wind Sophie up a bit but decided on the truth in the end.

"No. I'm going to tell him I just want to be friends. As you know I don't want a relationship, well not yet anyway. It's pointless seeing him again." Sophie had to refrain herself from clapping with glee. She knew it was because Nicky wasn't Seb. She just wondered why Melissa had gone on a date in the first place. Was she really trying that hard to prove to herself that she didn't fancy Seb?

"You DO still fancy Seb don't you?" Melissa nodded weakly, admitting the obvious.

"Yes, not that anything's going to happen. I'm really not ready to risk my heart again, not even for him. I don't trust my own judgement. I'm just going to enjoy life. I have you guys and I get to travel the world, doing a job I love. That's enough for me." Melissa turned over and snuggled down to sleep. Sophie picked up her phone from the bedside table and quickly tapped out a text to Joel, who she knew would be waiting with his phone in his hand.

Sophie: Good news, she's not seeing him again, just staying friends, still fancies Seb but says she's not going there, not risking it x

Joel: We'll see about that *evil laugh* x

Sophie: What you planning? x

Joel: I don't know yet but I'll think of something. Operation Sebissa is in full swing x

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