7. Testing Times (2)

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Seb heard his name being called by his team mate as he crossed the quickly-filling dining room. He liked Lance but he was in a bit of an unsociable mood tonight. Madeleine had been texting him again, begging him for another chance. He wasn't interested. She'd burnt her bridges. Also, he knew that if he sat with Lance Annaliese was bound to join them, and he was doing his best to avoid her tonight. He just couldn't be doing with her overly obvious flirting. 

He was about to pretend that he didn't hear Lance when he noticed the group that Lance was sat with. The pretty brunette was sat there with her colleagues.  He couldn't let this opportunity pass. It was about time he introduced himself to her properly.  He wanted to know her name. 

He raised his hand in acknowledgement and headed over. He slid into the empty chair next to the blonde, Sophie. He looked at the brunette sat opposite, trying to make eye contact with her but she was looking at her Joel.

"Hey Seb," greeted Lance. "You know Sophie, Joel and Matt already yeah?" Seb nodded. "I don't think you've met the new member of the PR team have you?" Seb shook his head. "Seb meet Melissa, Melissa, Seb." Melissa. Her name was Melissa. He liked it. He wondered if she liked it being shortened. Personally he loved the name how it was. Melissa.  A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. 

She glanced up at him. Her eyes were so dark, almost black. A nervous look appeared on her face. She looked afraid. Why would she be afraid?

Up close Seb discovered that he was even more attracted to her than ever. Her skin was almost flawless apart from three tiny freckles on the end of her nose.  Her hair was long and silky and he longed to run his fingers through it, or to see it spread over his pillow as he made love to her. 

Woah Seb.  Calm down, he told himself.  You've only just officially met her.  Stop getting ahead of yourself.  She may be married or have a boyfriend.  Or a girlfriend. And even if she is single there's no guarantee that she'd be interested in you anyway. Still the only way he was going to find out was to chat to her, flirt a little.  He glanced briefly at her left hand. No ring.  He smiled at her. 

"Hi Melissa, pleased to meet a fellow newbie. How are you enjoying Aston Martin so far?" She smiled back.

"Hi, yeah, it's all good so far. I've known these guys for years so it's been pretty easy getting into it all."

Her voice was so soft and sexy. Damn he loved a British accent. He imagined what she'd sound like screaming his name. Stop it Sebastian, he told himself as he felt a stirring between his legs. He slid his chair under the table before he made a fool of himself. He felt like a schoolboy with a crush.  There was something about this woman.  Or was he just so desperate to get laid?

He was about to speak to her again when she turned her head away and resumed talking to her friend, Joel, their conversation apparently over. Seb felt a little put out.  He'd been hoping to have a longer conversation with her.  He watched her and Joel as they conversed. They seemed close. Was there something between them? A spark of jealousy shot through him.

He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was beautiful but he didn't know why he was so drawn to her.  She wasn't his usual type at all.  Sophie was more his type on paper but he wasn't interested in her in the slightest.  His gaze fell to Melissa's chest, inwardly groaning at the hint of cleavage her low cut sweater offered him.  She had the most amazing pair of boobs.  He wondered how sensitive they were... did she like them being played with?

He forced himself to look away and talk to Lance. Damn, he thought.  He really had to stop fantasising about a woman he barely knew.  He had to concentrate on his career.  This was his last chance to salvage it, to get himself back up to the top. He didn't need to waste energy trying to bed a woman that had shown no sign of returning his attraction. 

Out Of The Blue (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now