18. The Birthday Bash

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Melissa could hear a ringing noise. She didn't know what it was, and she didn't care. All she wanted was for it to stop so she could go back to sleep. All of a sudden it stopped. She sighed with relief and attempted to go back to sleep. Then...rinnng rinnngggg.

She cursed and tried to open her eyes, determined to find the source of the noise. However,  when she managed to open an eyelid the bright light startled her and she soon closed it again. She braced herself and tried again. This time she managed to open both eyes. She reached out to her bedside table to pick up her phone as she had realised that was what the cursed noise was. Only her bedside table wasn't there. She sat bolt upright in bed, taking in her surroundings. Shit, this wasn't her room. Where the fuck was she?


The Night Before

"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Sophie, Joel and Melissa,
Happy Birthday to you! "

As their group finished singing, the three subjects of the song downed the shots of vodka in front of them. Melissa felt it burning her throat on the way down. What a day! Another podium for Seb! He had now moved into second in the Driver's championship behind Daniel, and the team had also moved into second place in the Constructor's behind McLaren. They'd hoped to do well this season but this was beyond their wildest dreams. Seb and Lance had just arrived from dinner with the management. Seb came over to them carrying a bottle of champagne in each of his hands. He had a massive grin on his face.

"Come on then, let's do this."


Seb knocked back yet another shot. He had no idea how many he'd had now but was determined to make the most of tonight. It wasn't very often that he got to party like this. Melissa hadn't been lying when she'd said they partied hard. They'd had a good couple of hours headstart on him and Lance, and were still giving it some on the dancefloor.

Daniel had turned up at some point in the last hour and was currently dancing up close and personal with Sophie. Joel was fast asleep across a couple of chairs. Melissa and Matt had dragged Lance up to the dancefloor. They'd tried to drag him too but he'd managed to get out of it by heading off to the toilet. He much preferred to sit and drink right now. Not only was he not much of a dancer, he couldn't be too near Melissa when he was this drunk. He didn't know if he could keep his hands off of her, and they had an agreement.

He felt someone slide onto the seat next to him. He turned to see which one of the revellers had called it quits. To his surprise it was none of them. To his distaste he saw that it was Annaliese.

"Hi Sebastian," she said. He smiled to acknowledge her. "Well done on today. You were amazing."

"Thank you." She put her hand on his thigh. He couldn't pull away as he was next to the wall and she had him trapped. So instead he picked up her hand and removed it. She gave a little giggle.

"I think you deserve a little reward for it." She winked at him and he groaned inwardly. How was he going to escape her?

Then help came from an unexpected source. Joel had woken from his drunken slumber and had noticed what was going on.

"Annaliese, put the man down. He doesn't know where you've been," he said. Seb snorted, trying hard to hold his laughter in. Annaliese glared at Joel.

"Why don't you fuck off?"

"I'd rather fuck a real man but you seem to have had them all," he retorted, childishly. She opened her mouth to say something but then changed her mind and stormed off in anger. Seb let his laugh out. He and Joel high-fived each other.

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