21. Baku Blues

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The last thing Seb felt like doing right now was socialising. The whole race weekend had been shit. Shit qualifying. Shit race position. He'd have been pleased with sixth at the beginning of the season, but it was his worst finish of the year so far. He supposed he should be thankful that he was still leading the championship.

He wouldn't have bothered coming out at all but he was hoping that he would get the chance to talk to Melissa. She had successfully avoided him all weekend. He had texted her several times but she hadn't replied once. He really wanted to explain himself. He'd had too much to drink and had just been surprised. If she'd have waited a little longer he would have gladly kissed her. He'd tried to chase after her when she'd fled but he'd been waylaid by Kimi and by the time he'd managed to get away from him she'd vanished. 

Tonight he'd spent most of the time he'd been in the club looking for her, but she was nowhere to be seen. Strangely, none of her friends were around either. Spotting Daniel stood at the bar, he headed over. Maybe he knew if she was here, seeing as though he had a thing going with Sophie.

"Alright Seb," Daniel greeted him.

"Alright Daniel. I just wondered if  you knew if Melissa was here tonight? You know, Sophie's friend?"

"Of course I know Melissa. And no she's not, neither's Sophie actually. They decided to give it a miss tonight. Sophie said all the partying is catching up on them. They've got an early flight to Montreal so they're having a night in."

Seb's heart sank. He ordered another drink, getting one for Daniel too. Well at least he had tried. Why did she have to make his life so bloody difficult? Women! Perhaps he should stop trying so hard and let her get on with it. It was her loss. Whatever he did was wrong. He wasn't going to try any more. If she wanted him she knew where he was. Let her make the running.


Back at the hotel, Melissa, Sophie, Joel and Matt were all gathered in the girl's room. They had ordered food from room service and were laid on the beds trying to watch some superhero film. Not that they were doing much watching. They were all complaining about their love lives, or lack of one.

"As much as I'm enjoying whatever it is I have with Daniel, I'm thinking of calling it quits. He just shows no sign of making things official. I think it's literally just about sex for him."

"At least you're getting some," whined Matt. "I'm having no luck whatsoever finding a girl. They're never interested in me. They talk to me to get close to Joel. Then when they find out he's gay, they disappear."  Sophie hugged Matt.

"They're crazy Matty. You're a great guy, you'll find someone soon."

"Yeah, maybe when I'm in a retirement home," he joked.

"Well, I'm just wondering how I'm going to make it work with Ollie," added Joel. "It's so difficult with him working for a different team. We don't get to see each other much." They all nodded in sympathy. "What about you Melissa? How's things going with Seb? Have you spoken to him yet?"

Melissa shook her head. She hadn't spoken to him. She didn't want to speak to him. She was done. He had tried to text her several times but she had deleted them unread. She really felt like he had been playing her this whole time. From now on he could get out of her head.

"Melissa, I think you're overreacting a bit," Joel said. "No, be quiet a minute, hear me out before you flip out at me. You've been blowing hot and cold with him. You agreed to be friends, then the next thing you tell him to kiss you. He was drunk and you probably blindsided him. He didn't actually verbally turn you down, did he? And he's been trying to message you yes? He tried to approach you a few times over the weekend but you headed the opposite direction when you saw him. Don't give me that look. I saw you do it! Melissa, all I'm saying is that you seem to be looking for any excuse to push him away. He could be the best thing that ever happened to you but you won't let him. I feel sorry for Seb. He can do no right for you."

Out Of The Blue (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now