"The entire room is tapped, we have to be careful what we say in all agent bases," Lance said in a hushed voice. "As long as we don't say any trigger words we should be fine. The agents are only supposed to report when they hear a trigger word," This was the only reason why they could talk like they were. Only trigger words were set with alarms, thus, talking about kicking Garnet out of the agency was still safe as long as you stay away from certain words. 

"Trigger word?" Keith questioned. 

"I'll tell you about it later when we're off the base," Lance waved him off. He looked around the room, wringing his hands. "I'm gonna train, Brick, you're with me. I'm going to show you how to use that thing before you cut someone," Lance sighed, motioning to the child agent. Brick gleamed with joy as he skipped through the halls towards the training rooms. 

"You know how to fight with that?" Keith asked, rushing to walk beside Lance. 

"A Swallow? Hell yeah, it's one of my favorites," Lance shrugged. Hunk and Pidge decided to stay back and watch the tech agents work, Pidge was also messaging her father through a comm device someone gave her. Shiro and Allura only followed because they had nothing else to do, and Keith wanted to see Lance fight some more. Zeno simply liked watching Lance teach. 

Lance positioned Brick in the middle of the room, righting his hips and shifting his stance. 

"God, Agent Olive didn't know what he was doing," Lance sighed. 

"That's my trainer you're talking about! I think he did a good job! He just doesn't know how to use a Swallow!" Brick defended. 

"Making him a bad person to teach you how to use it," Lance sighed before stepping back and looking at his form. He had Brick adjust his grip on the shaft before walking to the side of the room and unhooking a metal staff from the wall.  Keith leaned to Zeno, who was standing next to him. 

"I thought you said L-Blue hated staffs," Keith asked. 

"He does, but he doesn't want anything too small or sharp when teaching a newbie a weapon they don't know how to control. Guns wouldn't work, and knives are too small, and they're sharp. A staff allows him to direct Brick's attacks and hold him off while allowing Brick to go all out," Zeno explained in a hushed tone. 

Lance motioned for Brick to attack him, and the agent did without hesitation. He swung the top part of the Swallow down onto the metal staff that Lance used to block. 

"You're putting too much effort into it. The Blade is heavy, let gravity do its job," Lance advised, Brick nodded in understanding. Brick went in for another attack, swinging the bottom part forward in an attempt to hit Lance in the side. Lance was quick to adjust the staff with ease, blocking that attack as well. 

"You're thinking of the blades as 2 separate weapons that are attached. A Swallow is more of a fluid weapon, use both sides as one," 

"What do you mean?" Brick questioned. Lance pushed the blade off of the staff, holding the metal stick beside him with the bottom on the floor. He walked over to the side of the room and looked at the weapon wall. 

"Take the Sai, they are two blades that work together," Lance dropped his staff and instead picked up the tri-point weapon. He spun the blades in his hand, tossing them up and gripping their handle. "Your weapon is connected in the middle making it one weapon with two blades," He put the butt of the weapons together, mimicking how the Swallow was designed. "Use the weapon like one, not two separate blades," Brick looked down at his own weapon as he soaked up the words. Keith leaned over to Zeno once again. 

"Remind me why he isn't a trainer?" Zeno laughed at this. 

"Because he never wanted to be. Brick is special, and the only peer he has followed through the agency," 

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