11 - Seventeen pt.2

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They all walk back to Hogwarts and they immediately take her to Remus' office "Okayyyy, why are we at my dad's office?" she asks as they approach the door.

"Geez, you really need to stop asking questions, you're starting to drive me up the wall" George jokes.

"Well, if you stopped being so mysterious and actually told me stuff then I wouldn't have to ask so many questions" she retorts, poking her tongue out at him and he pokes his out in return.

"Stop being so childish" Fred laughs at them both before knocking on his door. "Professor" he announces once he opens it.

"Right on time, come on in" he gestures, moving out the way so that they could enter "Happy birthday, sweetheart" he says to Atlas as he pulls her into a massive hug and kisses the top of her head.

"Thank you... What's going on?" she asks, pulling out of the hug and looking at the three of them.

"The boys wanted to organise a special dinner for you so we're all going home and Tonks has made your favourite" Remus beams, looking over to Fred and George, knowing that they're the best friends his daughter could have.

"Mac and Cheese?" she asks jumping up and down like a child with the biggest smile on her face and the three of them nod at her.

She jumped over to them and pulled them all into a group hug, still jumping and they all laugh at how excited she is about food... maybe she should have dated Ron.

Remus apparated the four of them into their living room and Atlas could immediately smell dinner and so she ran into the kitchen and screamed at the sight of one of her closest friends, and stepmother "TONKKKKSSSS!"

"ATLASSSSS!" she shouts back and they both pull each other into a tight hug as the other three slowly stroll into the room. "Happy birthday!" she squeals into her ear. They haven't seen each other since she left for school in September. Normally, she would have seen her again at Christmas but, obviously, she stayed there over the holiday because of the Yule Ball.

"Tonks" Fred and George say together, nodding their heads at her as a greeting.

"Oh, come here" she says to them, breaking away from her hug with Atlas and pulling the boys into a double hug before walking over to Remus "Welcome home, darling" and kissed him.

"Dinner's ready when you are" Tonks announces as she walks back over to get the plates out.

"Yessssssss!" Atlas shouts eagerly as she rubbed her hands together and sat down at her usual seat at the table and everyone laughed at her. Fred came and sat down next to her and George was opposite her. Remus was next to George and Tonks sat at the top of the table like the queen she is.

While eating, the five of them were in engaging conversation and were laughing about anything and everything. It was the best day of her life and she never wanted it to end. However, Fred thought that it might be fun to have a reprise of earlier and he once again started to snake his hand up her thigh. She was fine until it was only inches away from her heat and then she let out a cough to not only control herself but to also warn him to be careful and not make it too obvious.

She grabbed her drink and gulped as much as she could. She put her hand under the table and placed it over his, trying to push it down but he wasn't moving.
She pressed her lips together trying so hard not to make a sound. She let him continue because she wanted it, she's been so desperate for him all day but they haven't been able to have a moment alone.

He moved his hand further inward and gripped hard on her inner thigh causing her to jolt her leg, knocking the table.

"You okay?" Remus asked her, breaking his attention away from Tonks.

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