3 - Well Done Dragon

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"WEASLEYS! Get your asses up! You're gonna miss the first challenge!" Atlas shouts at the twins as she bursts through their bedroom door making as much noise as humanly possible.

"I'll find out what happened later" George mumbled, still half asleep and turning back over in his bed.

"Nope, you're coming with me, right now... COME ON" she yelled.

Fred sat up in his bed without saying a word, grabbed his wand and cast "Silencio" at her before promptly flopping back down and closing his eyes again. She stared at him with bloodlust in her eyes. Knowing that she couldn't undo the spell without speaking, she ran over and jumped onto Fred's bed, keeling over him and whacking his bare, chiseled chest until he opened his eyes again.
Without opening them, he lifted his hands and grabbed onto her wrists, stopping her from hitting him, she was aggressively mumbling at him, telling him to remove the spell "Sorry, what? I- I can't understand you. Oh well" he mocked. He pushed her off of his bed and onto the rug on the floor before turning over and beginning to go back to sleep.

She huffed before getting herself up and jumping on George instead, hoping that he'd do something to help her "Hey, don't come to me, I didn't do it to you". However the scowl she gave him must have changed his mind because for a moment he seemed terrified of her - more than Harry fears Hermione - and he picked up his wand and reversed the spell, getting out from under his duvet and sitting on the edge of his bed. He rubs his hands over his face and through his tangled hair, making it messier than it already was.

"Fred Weasley, if you don't get your ass out of bed right now I swear I'll do a lot worse than the Silencing Charm on you" she warns him, talking calmly but with an extremely harsh tone.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy" he groaned, burying his face into his pillow.

"You're seriously gonna pass up the chance to watch Harry fight a LITERAL dragon?" she questioned, moving to sit on the end of his bed, leaning her head on the post.

"Hmm" he muttered as he moved onto his back with his eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling "Maybe not Harry but I would quite like to see someone get crispified" he said with an evil grin.

George and Atlas slowly turned their heads to look at each other with very concerned faces over what he just said "Fred... I- you know what, never mind, if it'll get you out of bed..."

With that, he leaped out of bed like it was Christmas morning and casually strode into the bathroom. George and Atlas just stared at each other again before laughing and shaking their heads "Get dressed, I'll meet you both in the Common Room in TEN minutes. No later, okay?"

"Ten minutes" George repeated back as he nodded, getting off his bed and walking over to his pile of clothes that he hasn't put away.

"Oh and here" Atlas added, grabbing his hairbrush off the table by the door and throwing it at him "You need it", she gave a cheeky smile and left.


Surprisingly, ten minutes later, both of the boys jogged down the stairs from their dorm and into the Common Room "Wow, I've known you two for six years and I was genuinely concerned that you couldn't tell the time but I guess I was wrong" she joked as they walked over to her whilst putting on their coats.

"Oh hush you" Fred retorted, physically turning her around as he rested his arm on her shoulders. The three of them began to walk out of the room and through the corridors.

"Not that I don't believe in him but... he's gonna be okay, right? Harry, I mean" Atlas asked while biting the inside of her lip.

"Seriously? The Philosopher's Stone? The Chamber of Secrets? Basilisk? Riddle? Sirius Black? Dementors? If he's not dead by now then he's not going to die in this tournament. He'll be okay" Fred reassures her.

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