23 - Umbitch

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Remus had decided to leave Hogwarts as he wanted to focus on the Order and, in a way, Atlas was glad because it meant that she didn't have to be all PG around him when she's with Fred. On the other hand, she was annoyed about it because now they know that they're going to get a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor and besides her dad, that position had never really been filled well.

Despite everyone knowing about their relationship and having the last week of summer to get used to it, they still tried to be weary about how touchy they were around others. They didn't want to go from 0-100 but it felt so freeing for them to just kiss each other goodbye or say 'I love you' when they wanted to.

As they were all walking through King's Cross Station with their luggage, Fred and Atlas hand in hand, she noticed a dog walk right between them. Fred looked really confused and looked at Atlas curiously when she started laughing. "It's Sirius," she whispered to him through her laughter.

"He's an animagus?" He questioned as he watched the scruffy black dog make its way up to Harry.

"Yeah, has been since school," she told him, slightly losing control of her cart seeing as she was only guiding it with one hand.

"Cool... I wanna do that!" Fred announced.

"Do what?" George asked with a mischievous glint in his eye, coming up behind his brother.

"Become an animagus," he repeated with childlike excitement.

"NO! Absolutely no way. If you turn yourself into an animal, I will never have sex with you again, Weasley," she warned him and George laughed.

"What! That's no fair!" He wailed with a pout.

"I mean it... Besides, you two could never keep a Mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month anyways."

Fred and George then look at each other with a challenging expression "You wanna bet, Little Lupin?" George questions with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I don't want to bet because I know that you can't, especially if I tell Fred that I won't kiss him for that entire month," she said confidently, giving George a smug smile.

"She's right. I can't do no kisses for a month... or no sex ever again. Sorry, you're on your own," Fred tells him as he slings his arm over Atlas' shoulder.


In the Great Hall, everyone was tucking into the mouthwatering feast that they had all missed so much over the summer.

"George! Will you stop being a prat!" Atlas shouts at him as she kicked his shin under the table.

"What?" He asked, feigning innocence "I didn't say anything!"

"You implied that I'm a bad Chaser," Atlas scolded him as Fred laughed at the interaction between the two of them.

"I implied nothing of the sort! I merely said that now Katie has left the team that we have no hope at winning," he declared in an attempt to defend himself.

"I'm still on the team though and I'm sure Ginny will be joining this year and Alicia's still going to be on the team. Therefore, you're implying that I'm not a good Chaser," she argued.

"Well, you're not the worst Chaser I've ever seen..." he says jokingly, moving all his limbs away so that she can't attack him.

"Weasley, I swear on Lucius Malfoy's left testicle, if you keep talking, I'll hex the living daylights out of you," she warned him, pointing an accusatory finger.

"Ew, I do not want to think about any Malfoy's left testicle." Fred grimaced and caught the attention Draco who gave them a scowl from the Slytherin table.

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