Chapter 7: The Sacrafice Part 1

Start from the beginning

"What the bloody hell, Greta? I am not part of the sacrifice! Let me out!"

Greta ignored Elena and my pleas, and cut her wrist using the rock Elena was going after.

"I know you are not part of the sacrifice, Ava, but Klaus said he wanted you... there... Just in case you tried anything." Greta said to me before turning to Elena.

"Klaus chose her. Drink it."

Greta shoved her wrist towards Jenna. Jenna stared at the open wound with the all to familiar look of thirst.

"I can't." Jenna said starting to give in.

Elena continued to beg Greta to let her go as Greta's wrist got closer to Jenna. Jenna eventually gave in and bit into Greta's wrist, completing the transformation.


Elena and Jenna where talking about god knows what as I sat there in the ring, playing with my fingers. All I could really think about was New Orleans and how Marcellus was. 

In the middle of my state of thinking, I heard the sound of a loud whimper and the crack of a bone. I look up to see Greta bringing in a blonde woman. Then throughing her to the ground.

"What's happening to me?" The Blonde asked.

"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation."

Aw! So she's the werewolf.

"Your insides are trying to tear themselves free." The witch bitch Greta said evily.

Ooo! This girl is so Nik's type! If I had the choice I wouldn't hesitate to rip out her lungs, but Klaus needed to sacrifice her as well. So at least I won't have to worry about her. The Witch Bitch then lit a ring of fire around the Wolf.

"Greta, witches are suppose to maintain balence in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed." Elena tried to argue.

"My duty is to Klaus! The new order." I glared at the bitch and sparked my fangs. Suddenly, the scent of cinnamon and roses hit my nose. Nik.

"Glad to know I still have a dance partner."

I growled at Nik and glared intensily at Greta. If only I wasn't trapped in this stupid ring of fire!

"Just kidding, love. You'll always be my dance partner." Nik smirked at me.

Still glaring at Greta, I smirked and lowered the sound of my growls.

"Hello, my lovelies." Klaus pronounced to Elena, Jenna, and the blonde wolf. "Greta, let Ava out."

The witch erased the flames with just a whip of her hand. I stepped out smirking and sped over to Nik, looping my arm around his.

"Are we ready?" He asked pulling my arm a bit closer to his side.

Nik led me up too the alter where Greta stood ready to begin the spell. Klaus reached into his pocket and pulled out the moonstone.

"I've got the moonstone. I spent 500 years looking for this." He said more towards me. "I hate to part with it." He then handed the stone to Greta.

"The moon has passed it's apex. Remember everything you need to do?" She asked him.

"I remember."

With that Greta dropped the moonstone in the altar and started chanting the all to familiar Latin that I haven't spoken in many years. Nik unlooped our arms and walked over to the ring holding the wolf. The ring of fire disappeared with the wind. The wolf then sped and tried to attack Nik. I was about to run over to him when he pinned her to the ground and shoved his hands into her chest. He then ripped out her heart and smirked up at me. I couldn't help but smirk back seeing the fact that he just looked pure handsome.


Nik was squeezing the blood of the wolf's heart into the alter. I stood by the ring captivating Jenna.

"Hey, Jenna." I whispered

"What do you want?"

"I really just wanted to apologize. If I could I would have picked someone else to be a vampire, but Nik likes his shows."

"Why didn't you?"

"I did not want to go against Nik and make him even more angry at me after I faked my death."

Jenna just nodded at me silently. We sat there quietly for a bit.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked whispered.

"I-- I don't think I can."

I looked at Jenna and saw the guilt yet anger that was in her eyes. That's when I knew that I was never going to be forgiven.

"Fine. Then I hope you rot in hell."

I shot up and walked back to the rock I was sitting on. Klaus was walking over towards Jenna. It was now her time to die. Even though I only knew her for a few days, I'm still going to miss her. She seemed like a really nice person.

"Hello, Jenna." Jenna stood up when he spoke her name. She stared at him intensely. Fear, worry, and determination in her eyes.

"Let her go. I understand I have to die, but she doesn't." Elena begged trying to walk towards Jenna but the flames rose higher.

"Careful." He warned.

"Elena, don't." Jenna begged.

"No, Jenna. We can't leave Jeremy without a family." I couldn't help but feel the guilt over come me. I know what it's like to not have a family. To be left alone and on your own. It is not the greatest feeling.

"I followed your rules, I did everything that you asked. I didn't run. Please." Elena begged even more. Nik just stood there looking between the two women. Finally, letting the guilt take control, I spoke up.

"Elena. I will take care of Jeremy. I'll make sure he's provided for. I know what its like to be alone, and I promise you I won't let him feel that way." I tried to reassure her.

"I doubt he would trust let alone allow the girl who helped sacrifice his family to take care of him." She said coldly. I glared at her in anger. How dare she talk to me that way?!

"Well, well. I don't recall you being on the guest list."

Nik said looking up towards the cliff where Stefan stood.

"I'm here to talk." I heard Stefan say through my vampire hearing.

"Very well, then." With that Nik sped up towards Stefan, and I listened in on their conversation.

"What can I do for you, Mr. Salvatore?"

"You don't need to kill Jenna. I'll take her place."

That doesn't really surprise me. Stefan is in love with Elena. Seems like the kind of guy that would sacrifice himself for his lover.

"Oh, I don't know. I rather appreciate the symmetrey of 3 women--"

I saw him start to circle Stefan, and I couldn't help but glare at him. Oh come on, Nik! If it was me being sacrificed, you would have done anything to die with me, if I couldn't be saved.

"3 godesses--"

Nik caught my eye. He knew that I came from Greece. Well the wrong age of Greece. Another words he was just 2,000+ years off.

"Sacrificed at Nature's altar."

Elena and Jenna where talking, but I was to concentrated to know what they where talking about.

"Don't play games with me. You'll get what you want." Stefan warned him turning around to face him.

"Quite the hero, aren't you? I've heard that about you."

"Just make the trade. Me for Jenna."

I tuned out and looked at Elena. She had clear fear on her face staring up at Stefan. She is so much like my sister before she betrayed me. I just want to feel that sisterly bond that we use to have before I had even met Silas. But I haven't felt that bond since the 20's, and I'm sure I won't ever feel it again.

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