Chapter 5: Toga and Dabi

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|:| Izuku POV|:|

I left Kacchan's dorm and stared at him for a while. We both had that specific look in our eyes which clearly meant that we had to take a break from each other. We haven't been together for even a full week and we already need a break. I just waved to him and went to my dorm. I put his drawings in a box and wrote 'Drawings' on it. I kinda wanted to talk with my other friends again since I've mostly talked to Kacchan the past few days, but they probably have something better to do. I was slightly scared about the thing with All Might tomorrow, mostly because it was in the common room where everyone could see us clearly.

"I wonder what Kacchan did when he was outside for 6 and a half hours." I mumbled to myself. I started reading a book, just to keep myself distracted.

|:| time skip |:|

"Midoriya?" I heard Jirou say as she knocked on the door.

"I'm alive, come in." I said, immediately questioning why I chose to say "I'm alive" instead of "I'm here".

"Geez, your dorm changed a lot. Last time I visited, it was covered in All Might, every single corner." She said, walking in. "Why are there dynamites everywhere?"

"It's.. It's Kacchan, I admire him."

"Got it. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me, Tentacole and Tsukuyomi?"

"Shoji and Tokoyami?"

"Mhm, sorry. I like calling people their hero names sometimes."

"I'd like to, though."

"Oh, yay. Follow me then, we're the people who need something happy the most right now."

Jirou led me outside and under a tree. Tokoyami and Shoji were there, talking to each other. Me and Jirou sat down in front of them and we all started talking about whatever came into our minds. Shoji started talking about how I got into UA, so I joined in too.

"Hey, Midoriya, what IS your Quirk?" Jirou asked halfway through the discussion.

"Um, I actually don't know myself. It's some sort of green lighting or something." I replied. It was a bad lie, but still, it was a lie.

"Oh, cool." Jirou said, motioning for me and Shoji to continue our discussion about me and UA.

|:| another time skip |:|

We talked about many things until we realized that it's 4 in the morning. Tokoyami and Shoji were actually smiling, well Tokoyami was, I don't know about Shoji, but if he had a mouth I'm pretty sure he was smiling. We all went into our dorms and said bye when we had to separate. I glanced at Kacchan's door, which had small green lighting everywhere. I smiled and went to my dorm, which was dark-ish. The only light was my flashlight that I forgot to turn off. I drifted off to sleep pretty quickly when I got on my bed since I'm not used to staying up. I did set an alarm for 6:50, since I had to meet All Might at 7:10. My life sure was all over the place.

|:| Katsuki POV (sorry not sorry) |:|

I woke up to the 5th nightmare tonight. It was 6:55, which meant that most of the class was up by now. I got out of bed and stared out the window, instantly getting confused of why All Might was walking to the dorm building. Maybe he wanted to check on us. I wanted to be with Deku again, but remembering yesterday, I kinda didn't. He's still my boyfriend, and I'm still kinda worried about him. Suddenly I heard Enmei.

"Hey, All Might wants everyone in the common room." She said through the door.

"I'll be there in a minute." I replied.

"No, we're not straight, what do you mean?" [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now