The Mall

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**Elena's POV**

I had already made up my mind that today I would talk to Max about how I felt towards him. Max, of all people had to understand what I was feeling.

I watched t.v. until Jade and Michaela got here. Soon after we were all done getting ready the guys came to pick us up. I sat with Max and Jade sat with Connor, Lord help her.

I glanced over at Max during the drive and he smiled at me. Boy, do I love that smile! Max is the perfect guy. I can't wait to tell him.

We got to the mall and I immediately stole Max and made up some lie we were going to Pacsun or something I don't even remember. In reality, we waited until they all left to go back to the small bench a few feet away from the car. I had already texted him that day that I needed to talk to him about something so he was already expecting it.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" He asked me.

I felt my chest rise at an uneven pace. My heart was racing and I began to feel my butterflies in my stomach. I was so nervous he'd reject me. "You know how you've always been there for me? Especially after Ryder's death."


"Well.. I kind of started developing feelings for you. I know we can't date right now since I'm still getting over loosing Ryder and all, but I couldn't keep my feelings hidden from you either. Do you get what I'm trying to say? I know it's kind of confusing, I don't really get it myself, in all honesty."

There was a long pause before I asked, well rather begged "Please say something, Max."

He then, out of all things to do, began to chuckle. Is this funny to him?!

"Elena, you really are incredibly ignorant."

"Excuse me?"

"No, what I mean is it's taken you, what, four years and you still don't even see it."

"See what?"

"That I like you!"

"You do?!"


"Score! " I said as I stood up and did my little victory dance, causing him laugh.

"Why do you think I never dated any of those other girls?"

"Uhh... is it because they're brainless and only care about looks?"

"No Elena.."

"Well then I've got nothing."

"I wanted you Elena, it was always you."

"Then why wouldn't you ever tell me?"

"I was going to! Then you met Ryder and you really liked him. I was going to tell you after he died but not now. I knew you needed more time."

"So, you get we can't date right now?"

"Yeah, and now that I know you feel the same way, I know it'll be worth the wait."

"Thanks for understanding Max!" I went over to him and we hugged for what seemed like a long time but not long enough. When we pulled away, I asked him what time it was.

"We have ten minutes before our film starts. You should text the others."

"Already on it." I said and smiled at him. Max had been my best guy friend since seventh grade. We knew each other so well. We were always a good team. In anything, sports or class competitions you name it. We were the perfect match.

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