Part Fourteen

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Hanji's POV

"Levi, come on! I thought that we could at least get one snake."

"First off, I would never agree to have a cat in this place while I'm still paying half for this place. Secondly, this building doesn't even allow pets so there's no way I'm going to risk getting evicted for the sake of a snake." He says as he continues to read the book in his hands.

"Ugh, you're no fun." I fall back onto the carpet below me out of frustration.

It's just a snake.

"I don't care if I'm no fun, I'd rather be no fun than be on the streets."

I show a small pout on my face as I continue to think.

Levi's boring as heck. Petra is babysitting. Erwin is hanging out with his family. I have no one to hang out with today.

Unless I call Armin. Plus we do have our project that's due soon. Maybe he would like to work on it today.

After that thought I jump up from my place on the carpet and run to my room.

"I'm calling Armin over to work on our project!"

I don't get a reaction from Levi though I do know that he heard me.

Once I reach my phone I look for Armin's contact and call him.

Guess what he said.

You'll never guess correct.

Oh, you thought that? You're totally wrong.

He said

Sad isn't it? I really thought I had someone to hang out with today.

Haha, did I get ya? Of course he said yes, we wouldn't be able to progress effectively if he said no. Duh. He'll be here in 30 minutes so, I don't know what to do.

I could mess with Levi, ask him for that snake one more time.

Or maybe a hundred more times, I mean who would be counting? Not I.

Just then I hear a knock on my door.

"Levi just open the door, who the fuck knocks nowadays." I say with an annoyed sigh.

"People who respect others privacy knock nowadays. I understand how you wouldn't since you don't seem to know the word that well."

"Oh come on, knocking is so...1980s."

"The fuck is wrong with you? You were born two years ago, the hell you know about the 1980s?" Levi retorts with an incredulous look on his face.

"I'm 17, asshole."

"Really? Because I would think that I know if someone is around the same age as me. You seem like a fucking two-year old with the way you think."

"I'm older than you, you should respect your elders." I add matter-of-factly.

"By four months you nitwit. You don't got shit on me."

"Whatever, what do you want leprechaun?"

"Don't call me that, roach. Uhm.. uh, fuck.. what the hell?" Levi says as he doesn't remember what he wanted to say in the first place.

"You forg-"

"Shut up, you made me forget asshat."

"How is that my fault, you just have a bad memory."

"It's all you're fault." After that he closes the door.

Levi's so cute sometimes. He's like my cute little edgy brother, uwu.

After that thought Levi knocks on my door again.

"Just open it."

"What's his number." Is what he says as soon as the door opens.

"Who's number?"

"Y'know, his."

"Who's number, Levi?" I question again.


"Levi, who is his?"

"That one kid."

"Dude. I'm so done with you. How the hell you make me done with you? It's always the other way around."

"Just, just...gimme his number."


"N! 'N' IS HIS!"

Now it's my turn to look at Levi like he's stupid. How am I supposed to know who N is?


"Armin." He finally tells me.


"Just give me his number."

"How is he N? Did you really make a code name for him? What are you tryna do?"

"I just want his number."

"Tell me why he's N then." I say back as I cross my arms.

"You really want to get into this now?"

"Yep, either you tell me why he's N or you can ask for his number yourself when he comes here in about...20 minutes."

"I doesn't even matter."

"If it doesn't matter you shouldn't have such a hard time telling me then."

"It's literally just the last letter of his name."

"Why though?"

"Why not?"

"You like him, don't you?" I finally conclude, such five head energy from me.

"What in the world made you think that?"

"Why else would you have a code name for him? To talk shit?"

"Of course...duh. Obviously."

"I know for a fact you wouldn't do that, so you like him."

"Hanji, it's not even like that."

"To me it seems just like that."

"To you it does."

"Fine, give me your phone."

Once Levi hands me his phone, I give him Armin's number. His contacts are kinda dry though. Like no emojis for any names, the hell is wrong with this dude?

I finish with Armin's contact, I had to add my own spice to it because I know Levi wouldn't.

"Why would you put so many emojis?"

"All I put was 😽❤️Armin❤️😽. I could have done way worse."

"Whatever." He says with an eye roll as he walks out the door.

I hope you enjoyed. This was supposed to come out yesterday but I fell asleep. Sorry.


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